Friday 18 February from 19 hours
Experiment design collective candlelight Performance Art by Sara Gavioli
and Philip Bergonzini
with the involvement of artists and experienced artists in evidence under the " M'illumino Main, on the other M'illumino "
promoted by the Other gallery
ArteContemporanea [Palermo]
"The transmission
Caterpillar Rai-Radio 2 organized on this date M'illumino Less , Energy Saving Day in its seventh year, this year has added two values: the creation of clean energy and the theme to which the event is dedicated the 150th Anniversary of the Unification of Italy. This initiative,
M'illumino else, wants to be an opportunity to participate in a number of artists and cultural operators of some of the visual arts that have joined to share the meaning and the issue of transmission radio. tells of a winter evening in which, in many areas scattered throughout Italy, artists will work defeating the dark with some candles and with the help of the public, realizing in a few hours opere dedicate al tema dell’Unità d’Italia.
Per certi versi un ritorno al passato, a quando le candele, le torce, le lucerne, non impedivano la produzione di grandi capolavori; ma anche un ritorno al futuro, alla presa di coscienza dello spreco energetico in cui viviamo e con il quale dobbiamo tornare tutti a fare i conti.
E racconta l’eterno incontro tra la
luce ed il buio che stimolano e suscitano la sensibilità degli artisti e dei loro percorsi di ricerca." Il materiale fotografico prodotto affluirà in un
site that will highlight not only the works of artists, but also the moments of the event in all the areas involved.
galleries and spaces: Academy Contemporanea - Milan Altrarte Melappioni Studio - Agrigento
Charleston - party (Pa)
Capitaniale Court - Caltagirone (Ct)
Galleria De 'Brands - The Other ArteContemporanea
Bologna - Palermo
Mister D - Castelvetrano (Tp)
MAC Miradoli Arte Contemporanea - Milan
Officinartistica - Marsala (Tp)
Pinacoteca Comunale - Really (Ag)
Area Meme - Carpi (MO) Area
Parallel - Palermo
In SpazioVitale - Catania
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