
have been reported by my Network BOJS as worthy of appearing in the twelve candidates for the Best Blog Award "Sunshine Award 2011".
premise that it is not an award itself, but rather a kind of "chain s.Antonio" serving the tam-tam of the blog is that I would not stop, because it is meritorious for the purposes of disclosure Or, in this case ..
Thank http://intermatrix.blogspot.com/ with pleasure and certainly a step in my turn to report what I believe, one of my known, the other 11 Blog deserving Intermatrix is \u200b\u200bthe first of which, for its ability to to show (for those interested) "Another Horizon" for understanding human facts.
followed in random order and random: http://santaruina.splinder.com/ because it addresses the themes of the occult in the spiritual-religious context, in a very erudite but with grace and style ..
http://zret.blogspot.com/ http://straker-61.blogspot.com/ brothers and March for the heroic and valiant battle undertaken by them against the windmills of the mainstream disinformation on the subject of chemtrails aerial those of the military and other affiliates, we steal the sky and maybe even the soul, unfortunately.
Thank http://intermatrix.blogspot.com/ with pleasure and certainly a step in my turn to report what I believe, one of my known, the other 11 Blog deserving Intermatrix is \u200b\u200bthe first of which, for its ability to to show (for those interested) "Another Horizon" for understanding human facts.
followed in random order and random: http://santaruina.splinder.com/ because it addresses the themes of the occult in the spiritual-religious context, in a very erudite but with grace and style ..
http://zret.blogspot.com/ http://straker-61.blogspot.com/ brothers and March for the heroic and valiant battle undertaken by them against the windmills of the mainstream disinformation on the subject of chemtrails aerial those of the military and other affiliates, we steal the sky and maybe even the soul, unfortunately.
http://www.beppegrillo.it/ who have not need my recommendation I think a site where mass circulating new ideas, even if certain issues are not addressed you do not know whether to fear or inability to understand. We say that is the most moderate of the antagonists, but the best ever "crap" aligned with the regime in this massively in the Network
Continue adding three sites, not Blog, I feel for their reliability and content absolutely freguentare. Esi are http://www.luogocomune.net/site/modules/news/ director Massimo Mazzucco, seeker of truth on September 11 and more.
http://www.comedonchisciotte.org/site/index.php for the high value of items of national and international publications ranging over vast and varied issues, including non-Orthodox.
http://www.nexusedizioni.it/ Tom Woods for similar reasons
Continue adding three sites, not Blog, I feel for their reliability and content absolutely freguentare. Esi are http://www.luogocomune.net/site/modules/news/ director Massimo Mazzucco, seeker of truth on September 11 and more.
http://www.comedonchisciotte.org/site/index.php for the high value of items of national and international publications ranging over vast and varied issues, including non-Orthodox.
http://www.nexusedizioni.it/ Tom Woods for similar reasons
Then there http://paolofranceschetti.blogspot.com/search/label/Rosa% 20Rossa who is an attorney,
for pleasure seeker in the folds of the symbolism of the occult and Satanism, with references to the actuality of crime.
http://nekradamus.blogspot.com/ because Willo writes very well and his chronicles Tower are very funny, kind and thoughtful to Demon, say ...
Again http://freenfo.blogspot.com/ to the depth of content and thought.
Last but not least, the blog of a friend who I met in person at Vicenza, on the occasion of the march "No Dal Molin" http://marcocedolin.blogspot.com/ for its expertise and intellectual honesty on the issues pacifists, the anti-TAV and economic abuses perpetrated by the system.
Last but not least, the blog of a friend who I met in person at Vicenza, on the occasion of the march "No Dal Molin" http://marcocedolin.blogspot.com/ for its expertise and intellectual honesty on the issues pacifists, the anti-TAV and economic abuses perpetrated by the system.
I do not want to hurt anyone I may have forgotten, reassure her that the blog to my liking are more than a dozen, luck ..
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