Friday 18 February from 19 hours
Experiment design collective candlelight Performance Art by Sara Gavioli
and Philip Bergonzini
with the involvement of artists and experienced artists in evidence under the " M'illumino Main, on the other M'illumino "
promoted by the Other gallery
ArteContemporanea [Palermo]
"The transmission
Caterpillar Rai-Radio 2 organized on this date M'illumino Less , Energy Saving Day in its seventh year, this year has added two values: the creation of clean energy and the theme to which the event is dedicated the 150th Anniversary of the Unification of Italy. This initiative,
M'illumino else, wants to be an opportunity to participate in a number of artists and cultural operators of some of the visual arts that have joined to share the meaning and the issue of transmission radio. tells of a winter evening in which, in many areas scattered throughout Italy, artists will work defeating the dark with some candles and with the help of the public, realizing in a few hours opere dedicate al tema dell’Unità d’Italia.
Per certi versi un ritorno al passato, a quando le candele, le torce, le lucerne, non impedivano la produzione di grandi capolavori; ma anche un ritorno al futuro, alla presa di coscienza dello spreco energetico in cui viviamo e con il quale dobbiamo tornare tutti a fare i conti.
E racconta l’eterno incontro tra la
luce ed il buio che stimolano e suscitano la sensibilità degli artisti e dei loro percorsi di ricerca." Il materiale fotografico prodotto affluirà in un
site that will highlight not only the works of artists, but also the moments of the event in all the areas involved.
galleries and spaces: Academy Contemporanea - Milan Altrarte Melappioni Studio - Agrigento
Charleston - party (Pa)
Capitaniale Court - Caltagirone (Ct)
Galleria De 'Brands - The Other ArteContemporanea
Bologna - Palermo
Mister D - Castelvetrano (Tp)
MAC Miradoli Arte Contemporanea - Milan
Officinartistica - Marsala (Tp)
Pinacoteca Comunale - Really (Ag)
Area Meme - Carpi (MO) Area
Parallel - Palermo
In SpazioVitale - Catania
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Best Free Zoophilia Zites
Italy does not belong to me.
But I belong to it, unfortunately.
The day will come when our voices will be weighted? He is right when he says
Caparezza: "Do not you realize it but they all go from here!" .
I would be one of those all ...
Italy does not belong to me.
But I belong to it, unfortunately.
The day will come when our voices will be weighted? He is right when he says
Caparezza: "Do not you realize it but they all go from here!" .
I would be one of those all ...
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
How Are Carnival Cruises During Spring Break?
The woman and the serpent
Ho avuto un sogno, o meglio una visione e ve la voglio raccontare.
Ho avuto un sogno, o meglio una visione e ve la voglio raccontare.
Venni rapito in ispirito e mi ritrovai sulla cima di un erto colle al cospetto di un essere di luce che
con voce squillante,come di tromba,mi disse: Quello che vedi scrivilo e mandalo in Rete,affinchè le orecchie che vogliono sentire sentano e gli occhi che vogliono vedere vedano.
Io nel sogno ero impaurito, quasi morto, tale era la paura che questo essere mi incuteva, ma ecco che Egli pose la mano destra sul mio capo e con voce dolce mi disse: Non temere, io sono il primo e l'ultimo, io sono il Vivente, scrivi dunque senza paura quello che ora ti farò vedere.
E subito vidi una folla enorme eterogenea ed urlante che si muoveva come impazzita sotto i colpi
di fuoco tonante che scaturivano da certi uomini vestiti di nero, con scudi manganelli e caschi.
Ma la folla non indietreggiava, anzi con poderosa spinta travolgeva tutto nell'agitarsi frenetico, vidi gli uomini neri calpestati e soccombere, vidi tetri palazzi ornati di simboli e bandiere bruciare e poi crollare in uno schianto di polvere rossa di sangue. Vidi poi fuggire strisciando svelto da un palazzo più grande, anch'esso in fiamme e scosso oramai dai tremiti del crollo, un glabro biscione repellente con faccia di uomo che in fronte portava impresso un numero e il numero era 1816.
Poi un gran segno apparve nel cielo rosso di bagliori di fiamma e ancora vidi una woman clothed with the sun, the moon in the feet and a crown of twelve stars were screaming and shouting against that snake with open jaws and the forked tongue stood, fangs dripping venom.
But the woman-not that much bigger than the fear-the sudden move with his head crushed on the ground with his foot on the moon. The snake finally died after a few gasps ...
This is my vision, of course fictional, but connected to a reality that I would like to see .. In fact, the freshman Biscio
1816, with his usual poker face and said again that he will go up to 2013 years to its expiry if the government has the dishonor of chairing.
urgent at this point a mass movement which succeeds a good time to crush the head as he made the woman of Revelation Bible memory in the epic battle supernatural ..
How? Simple: Take example from what I have managed to do in Egypt and Tunisia where the crowd kicked the toughest despots well Biscio plastic brackets that despots are now pulling the bucket, you do not know whether to regret or to another arcane mysterious ..
All the squares, on the other already heated from Italy have shown that women with male and television impallonati the road, straight and secure.
the streets and not give up, until victory, free men.
drag me away with our bodies, the minions of power, breaking things.
banks burn, burn flags, storm the television and the hated institutions
buildings, this must be done, free men. And do not be afraid of dying, the death of his best
slavery. The Revolution is calling us. It 's time, if not now when?
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
A Sample Proposal Of A Tv Show
After the Pharaoh will touch the big snake? Sunshine Award 2011 Award
Sudden and unexpected that the tide rose at this time invading our streets shouting loudly all the outrage at the porn theater of politics, managed by Biscio Arcore With the publication of mainstream Italiot, can really mark the beginning of the end for this government reduced to a puttanaio, where justice is reversed, sold off the dignity and truth lie elected. A
Sudden and unexpected that the tide rose at this time invading our streets shouting loudly all the outrage at the porn theater of politics, managed by Biscio Arcore With the publication of mainstream Italiot, can really mark the beginning of the end for this government reduced to a puttanaio, where justice is reversed, sold off the dignity and truth lie elected. A
nothing is served and will serve the censorship of conspiratorial radiotivu and printing system with
pennivendoli sided with their forked tongue to defend the indefensible, by now.
The movement started, synchronized with the "click" of the frets, much more powerful than guns and pitchforks, but no flag is colored pink and purple that tends to
will not stop until the usurper with snake his retinue of dwarves dancers and assorted criminals if they do not return from whence he came, that is, into the abyss of nothingness.
I do not know if this thumbs down against the government of Biscio crusader, started from the Italian women, as I fear will be used to fix the infamous we-Talioti Globocrazia
who wants to reshape the world according to his perverse purposes, but so be it a huge uproar from the streets
no matter if the immediate is colored pink, purple or rainbow, just manages to kick the filthy
Arcore, who along with his band, and orders his henchmen in uniform of bullying fine and arrest people just because you smoke maybe a flower, or drink two beers, robs us plunder the present and the future to give to his whores the chamber pot of gold and his thugs in suits cocaine orgies.
This must be stopped and fast.
If not now, when?
Monday, February 7, 2011
Kates Playgroundfree Movies Full
Fully Realized!
Feeling great has never been so exciting.
Look around the house and feel in their own little realized.
is yes, carried.
and 'how I feel. :-)
Feeling great has never been so exciting.
Look around the house and feel in their own little realized.
is yes, carried.
and 'how I feel. :-)
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Male Brizilian Wax Ann Arbor
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Pain In The Left Rib Cage
have been reported by my Network BOJS as worthy of appearing in the twelve candidates for the Best Blog Award "Sunshine Award 2011".
premise that it is not an award itself, but rather a kind of "chain s.Antonio" serving the tam-tam of the blog is that I would not stop, because it is meritorious for the purposes of disclosure Or, in this case ..
Thank http://intermatrix.blogspot.com/ with pleasure and certainly a step in my turn to report what I believe, one of my known, the other 11 Blog deserving Intermatrix is \u200b\u200bthe first of which, for its ability to to show (for those interested) "Another Horizon" for understanding human facts.
followed in random order and random: http://santaruina.splinder.com/ because it addresses the themes of the occult in the spiritual-religious context, in a very erudite but with grace and style ..
http://zret.blogspot.com/ http://straker-61.blogspot.com/ brothers and March for the heroic and valiant battle undertaken by them against the windmills of the mainstream disinformation on the subject of chemtrails aerial those of the military and other affiliates, we steal the sky and maybe even the soul, unfortunately.
Thank http://intermatrix.blogspot.com/ with pleasure and certainly a step in my turn to report what I believe, one of my known, the other 11 Blog deserving Intermatrix is \u200b\u200bthe first of which, for its ability to to show (for those interested) "Another Horizon" for understanding human facts.
followed in random order and random: http://santaruina.splinder.com/ because it addresses the themes of the occult in the spiritual-religious context, in a very erudite but with grace and style ..
http://zret.blogspot.com/ http://straker-61.blogspot.com/ brothers and March for the heroic and valiant battle undertaken by them against the windmills of the mainstream disinformation on the subject of chemtrails aerial those of the military and other affiliates, we steal the sky and maybe even the soul, unfortunately.
http://www.beppegrillo.it/ who have not need my recommendation I think a site where mass circulating new ideas, even if certain issues are not addressed you do not know whether to fear or inability to understand. We say that is the most moderate of the antagonists, but the best ever "crap" aligned with the regime in this massively in the Network
Continue adding three sites, not Blog, I feel for their reliability and content absolutely freguentare. Esi are http://www.luogocomune.net/site/modules/news/ director Massimo Mazzucco, seeker of truth on September 11 and more.
http://www.comedonchisciotte.org/site/index.php for the high value of items of national and international publications ranging over vast and varied issues, including non-Orthodox.
http://www.nexusedizioni.it/ Tom Woods for similar reasons
Continue adding three sites, not Blog, I feel for their reliability and content absolutely freguentare. Esi are http://www.luogocomune.net/site/modules/news/ director Massimo Mazzucco, seeker of truth on September 11 and more.
http://www.comedonchisciotte.org/site/index.php for the high value of items of national and international publications ranging over vast and varied issues, including non-Orthodox.
http://www.nexusedizioni.it/ Tom Woods for similar reasons
Then there http://paolofranceschetti.blogspot.com/search/label/Rosa% 20Rossa who is an attorney,
for pleasure seeker in the folds of the symbolism of the occult and Satanism, with references to the actuality of crime.
http://nekradamus.blogspot.com/ because Willo writes very well and his chronicles Tower are very funny, kind and thoughtful to Demon, say ...
Again http://freenfo.blogspot.com/ to the depth of content and thought.
Last but not least, the blog of a friend who I met in person at Vicenza, on the occasion of the march "No Dal Molin" http://marcocedolin.blogspot.com/ for its expertise and intellectual honesty on the issues pacifists, the anti-TAV and economic abuses perpetrated by the system.
Last but not least, the blog of a friend who I met in person at Vicenza, on the occasion of the march "No Dal Molin" http://marcocedolin.blogspot.com/ for its expertise and intellectual honesty on the issues pacifists, the anti-TAV and economic abuses perpetrated by the system.
I do not want to hurt anyone I may have forgotten, reassure her that the blog to my liking are more than a dozen, luck ..
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