Greetings threatening
this video I found online that I propose ...
are not really cards, but rather invective grillesche, fun and fairly well addressed. Facciazze ugly laugh, but for how long?
However, best, 2010, rare but my dear readers ...
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
What Is A Stator In A Genarator
The transmutation of the "lead time"
Unlike the ancient alchemists who drew noble gold from lead, the nefarious Zion gets obscene material made from molten lead swallow its victims.
Almost exactly one year since it moved from a barbaric and inhuman military operation ominously named "lead time", perpetrated by the State of Israel by deploying a lot of great media war against the population, the Palestinian Authority in Gaza, almost unarmed, concentrated, and fenced.
Now that lead has finished dripping, mixed with the blood of the wounds and mutilations inflicted on the technology affected by the fury of terrible weapons designed to cause maximum damage "legal", remains on the sand of discord sanguignolento a gray conglomerate, exposed to the eyes of Who wants to see it ..
not already shining statue of victory, based on a pedestal of superior technology, culture and race, as they expected the foolish and vicious military policies, but only a mediocre shapeless gray damn idol, took shape in the forge of Vulcan horrid of Zion, who is now ashamed of with late tries hide in the world. However
authoritative eyes, though humans have seen, considered, this blasphemous work of malicious and Sion have materialized in the form of a magistrate invested with formal UK, under the Criminal Justice Act 1988 which gives the UK jurisdiction Universal war crimes.
The man of law has thus issued arrest warrant for one of the leaders of so much ugliness, unpublished and unheard, about to go to London.
This is the "Tipa Livni," the little blonde lady effeminate cross blue eyes but fierce as a wild beast, of course, and of course behind a desk, as is customary among them powerful "warlord" who never or almost in battle. She
, probably because of his blown Mossad, has stopped avoiding the humiliation of handcuffs, a trip to the UK, where presumably he would, under institutional coverage, met to ask for favors, his "friends" like that skullcap is known to reside in the ancient heart of London, the Financial City, home to the true worship of the Synagogue of the "devil's dung" money. Even
other figures of power and racist criminal who as a six-pointed star emblem on the black list and are aware of what they do not dare for the moment to put out their feet from their sad, dark and dismal country. A clink of handcuffs
this, add a boiccottaggio material that is growing, intense and effective, practiced by the citizens of the world "other" but also by some states, it seems.
the end, as it should, the hideous demon emerged from Gaza will bring misfortune to the people that worships the juggernaut of war and is believed invincible. The end Zionist
anomaly is near.
remains to be seen in what way will die the rogue state par excellence, because of all the evils, or almost.
There are two options: The first is called "Masada", the second "South Africa". We'll see what
prevvarrà, or perhaps intervene if their fearful and angry, "Lord of Hosts," to save them.

Unlike the ancient alchemists who drew noble gold from lead, the nefarious Zion gets obscene material made from molten lead swallow its victims.
Almost exactly one year since it moved from a barbaric and inhuman military operation ominously named "lead time", perpetrated by the State of Israel by deploying a lot of great media war against the population, the Palestinian Authority in Gaza, almost unarmed, concentrated, and fenced.
Now that lead has finished dripping, mixed with the blood of the wounds and mutilations inflicted on the technology affected by the fury of terrible weapons designed to cause maximum damage "legal", remains on the sand of discord sanguignolento a gray conglomerate, exposed to the eyes of Who wants to see it ..
not already shining statue of victory, based on a pedestal of superior technology, culture and race, as they expected the foolish and vicious military policies, but only a mediocre shapeless gray damn idol, took shape in the forge of Vulcan horrid of Zion, who is now ashamed of with late tries hide in the world. However
authoritative eyes, though humans have seen, considered, this blasphemous work of malicious and Sion have materialized in the form of a magistrate invested with formal UK, under the Criminal Justice Act 1988 which gives the UK jurisdiction Universal war crimes.
The man of law has thus issued arrest warrant for one of the leaders of so much ugliness, unpublished and unheard, about to go to London.
This is the "Tipa Livni," the little blonde lady effeminate cross blue eyes but fierce as a wild beast, of course, and of course behind a desk, as is customary among them powerful "warlord" who never or almost in battle. She
, probably because of his blown Mossad, has stopped avoiding the humiliation of handcuffs, a trip to the UK, where presumably he would, under institutional coverage, met to ask for favors, his "friends" like that skullcap is known to reside in the ancient heart of London, the Financial City, home to the true worship of the Synagogue of the "devil's dung" money. Even
other figures of power and racist criminal who as a six-pointed star emblem on the black list and are aware of what they do not dare for the moment to put out their feet from their sad, dark and dismal country. A clink of handcuffs
this, add a boiccottaggio material that is growing, intense and effective, practiced by the citizens of the world "other" but also by some states, it seems.
the end, as it should, the hideous demon emerged from Gaza will bring misfortune to the people that worships the juggernaut of war and is believed invincible. The end Zionist
anomaly is near.
remains to be seen in what way will die the rogue state par excellence, because of all the evils, or almost.
There are two options: The first is called "Masada", the second "South Africa". We'll see what
prevvarrà, or perhaps intervene if their fearful and angry, "Lord of Hosts," to save them.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Sms On First Baby Greetings
Nobel prophet, false dark dress ..
The "Dark Prophet" or the new Emperor Obama has received from the congregation of artists from the "backwards" in that of Oslo, obviously entirely without foundation, the Nobel Peace Prize . With perfect Orwellian words
commented, while he stretched the August long hands on the scope and lucrative, though tarot award, its pronoun is "dynamic", so to speak, raffled dall'asservito Bon-Ton elitist world.
"The tools of war play a role in preserving peace." said.
War is peace. George Orwell got weight.
And again "We are not prisoners of fate, our actions count, can direct the history toward justice."
Maybe in while thinking in parallel to his well directed deadly "Predator" flapping unpunished, immoral and immortal hit by lightning in the skies of peace ...
He then continued with the rhetoric strabollita bolsa America, great good policeman that protects the rights of citizens in the democratic world's poor, then the shed words "respect for cultures, traditions and universal aspirations" dei popoli.
A metà discorso ha poi inserito una banale frase ad effetto degna del miglior John Wayne: "La guerra non è mai gloriosa, e non bisogna mai spacciarla come tale. La guerra è una premessa di tragedia umana", ha detto.
Pausa breve con sofferta smorfia del dolore del buono stampata nel bel viso bruno, ha poi continuato con la nota sua voce calda e suadente,da negro quasi bianco, alto,slanciato e con un sogno..
"Non ho con me oggi una soluzione definitiva ai problemi della guerra, quello che invece so è che per affrontare queste sfide è necessaria la stessa visione, lo stesso lavoro duro e la stessa insistenza di quegli uomini e quelle donne che hanno agito con coraggio decenni ago. And we are asked to rethink our notions of just war and the imperatives for a just peace. "
Its obvious the Pax Americana, tragic, anachronistic parody of the infamous old Pax Romana, a tabula rasa, that Tacitus already described in the agricultural
where he said to a head Caledon these words about the Romans: "Where do the desert give the name of peace."

The "Dark Prophet" or the new Emperor Obama has received from the congregation of artists from the "backwards" in that of Oslo, obviously entirely without foundation, the Nobel Peace Prize . With perfect Orwellian words
commented, while he stretched the August long hands on the scope and lucrative, though tarot award, its pronoun is "dynamic", so to speak, raffled dall'asservito Bon-Ton elitist world.
"The tools of war play a role in preserving peace." said.
War is peace. George Orwell got weight.
And again "We are not prisoners of fate, our actions count, can direct the history toward justice."
Maybe in while thinking in parallel to his well directed deadly "Predator" flapping unpunished, immoral and immortal hit by lightning in the skies of peace ...
He then continued with the rhetoric strabollita bolsa America, great good policeman that protects the rights of citizens in the democratic world's poor, then the shed words "respect for cultures, traditions and universal aspirations" dei popoli.
A metà discorso ha poi inserito una banale frase ad effetto degna del miglior John Wayne: "La guerra non è mai gloriosa, e non bisogna mai spacciarla come tale. La guerra è una premessa di tragedia umana", ha detto.
Pausa breve con sofferta smorfia del dolore del buono stampata nel bel viso bruno, ha poi continuato con la nota sua voce calda e suadente,da negro quasi bianco, alto,slanciato e con un sogno..
"Non ho con me oggi una soluzione definitiva ai problemi della guerra, quello che invece so è che per affrontare queste sfide è necessaria la stessa visione, lo stesso lavoro duro e la stessa insistenza di quegli uomini e quelle donne che hanno agito con coraggio decenni ago. And we are asked to rethink our notions of just war and the imperatives for a just peace. "
Its obvious the Pax Americana, tragic, anachronistic parody of the infamous old Pax Romana, a tabula rasa, that Tacitus already described in the agricultural
where he said to a head Caledon these words about the Romans: "Where do the desert give the name of peace."
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Aladdin Costume Street Rat
A curious news, but as the true SUN
seems, shines illuminating Viggiù, which came into my morbid sex-imagery since the time, some forty years ago, where I listened to the boy obscene song of firefighters at the house of our old neighbor, this Adelaide, God bless me, that dished up mixed with Ta-pum, Monte Grappa, The Testament Captain, black pen, and 'dead an Alpine. Adelaide The old woman had lost a son in war and I remember singing, which she sang along with the turntable with the trombone ...
But returning to the news, if you open the link (click on SUN) have already seen the veneer that seems Bossettanera, anything but attractive for this kind of thing, I mean, lady's dog ... Ah, the weird names! I laugh.
In short, the fact is that this attempata S.ra Sandy Cane, figlia di un soldato statunitense di colore e di una ragazza di Viggiù, da oggi è il primo cittadino del paese della Valceresio per conto, udite udite, della premiata ditta Lega Nord.
Dice pure la Cane che è stata accolta benissimo, da urlo che quasi crollava il palco, anche se poi ha vinto per pochissimi voti..
La sua storia in Viggiù viene dal trapassato remoto, infatti i suoi nonni (non quelli neri) erano scalpellini cimiteriali, per dire..
Dice anche la Cane, che Viggiù è famosa proprio per le pietre e che lei intende, dopo aver ripulito la città, speriamo non etnicamente, aggiungo io, rivalorizzarle istituendo appositi percorsi guidati...
Chissà se la franco-nera-varesotta, che di cognome fà Cane, eletta Leghista OGM, la conosce, la canzoncina delle "Pompe di Viggiù" Ah...Ah..ah. Famosa per le pietre, sì.
Ma è un riso amaro, perchè sappiamo che al peggio non c'è mai fine, per cui è lecito aspettarsi, dopo la nera di Viggiù, anche l'Albanese di quassù, che ci bastonerà magari assunto con il suo bel contratto CO.Co.Co. per conto della premiata ditta Lega & B..
A curious news, but as the true SUN
seems, shines illuminating Viggiù, which came into my morbid sex-imagery since the time, some forty years ago, where I listened to the boy obscene song of firefighters at the house of our old neighbor, this Adelaide, God bless me, that dished up mixed with Ta-pum, Monte Grappa, The Testament Captain, black pen, and 'dead an Alpine. Adelaide The old woman had lost a son in war and I remember singing, which she sang along with the turntable with the trombone ...
But returning to the news, if you open the link (click on SUN) have already seen the veneer that seems Bossettanera, anything but attractive for this kind of thing, I mean, lady's dog ... Ah, the weird names! I laugh.
In short, the fact is that this attempata S.ra Sandy Cane, figlia di un soldato statunitense di colore e di una ragazza di Viggiù, da oggi è il primo cittadino del paese della Valceresio per conto, udite udite, della premiata ditta Lega Nord.
Dice pure la Cane che è stata accolta benissimo, da urlo che quasi crollava il palco, anche se poi ha vinto per pochissimi voti..
La sua storia in Viggiù viene dal trapassato remoto, infatti i suoi nonni (non quelli neri) erano scalpellini cimiteriali, per dire..
Dice anche la Cane, che Viggiù è famosa proprio per le pietre e che lei intende, dopo aver ripulito la città, speriamo non etnicamente, aggiungo io, rivalorizzarle istituendo appositi percorsi guidati...
Chissà se la franco-nera-varesotta, che di cognome fà Cane, eletta Leghista OGM, la conosce, la canzoncina delle "Pompe di Viggiù" Ah...Ah..ah. Famosa per le pietre, sì.
Ma è un riso amaro, perchè sappiamo che al peggio non c'è mai fine, per cui è lecito aspettarsi, dopo la nera di Viggiù, anche l'Albanese di quassù, che ci bastonerà magari assunto con il suo bel contratto CO.Co.Co. per conto della premiata ditta Lega & B..
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Top Strip Clubs In Los Angeles
The party that is not
Eccoci quà, ancora una volta recitando, nostro malgrado, come stressati comparsanti nella fiction del voto-non voto, che va in scena in questi giorni dedicati alle cosidette elezioni Europee, abbinate quì da noi, alle amministrative provincial, with booked to follow the referendum on 21 June, commissioned by the League, as a matter of mere political chicanery.
Elections, which seems already to understand, the winner will see a virtual party strange that there is in the planks, namely that of those who will refrain from unnecessary and blasphemous ritual of the cross on the piece of paper, a parody of democracy.
course, the undersigned will abstain, has his reasons for doing so.
But, why do not you say that it is easy to criticize without proposing anything, the writer says that he would gladly vote for the "Party that is not the first star to the left" .. to redo the verse of that genius dreamer, Jackson ..
The "Manifesto" of this party, I read that right, in the form of a dream in my mind and not in the cards, mind you ... now I try briefly to outside readers interested in its ten-point vision, so that the sum ...
1) Restore national sovereignty to be achieved with the immediate closure of all foreign military bases on Italian soil. Proclamation of "nation free of war and out of all military alliances.
Resize all soldiers, with immediate dissolution of
those sectors that have excelled in suppressing popular, ideological and political. The unarmed military
want it can opt for the field of civil protection, properly reviewed and reformed.
Creation of the Revolutionary Guard, which takes the lead and control of what remains of the other armed forces.
2) Abolition of private property in excess, all persons have the right to private property in accordance with the recognized right of human need, not more.
immediate Confiscation of property in excess, be they individuals or institutions, including banks that authority will be closed and replaced by a single bank of the People, with new rules and new forms of money other than on paper, released today by the mechanisms established and the only counter-value work and human works.
3) Immediate closure of all its sites, toxic, and amoral criminals, in particular the dismantling of industries war, followed by industries that produce goods redundant, obsolete and polluting, read mass transportation industry. Conversion of the means of production, would otherwise end to capitalism in order to produce goods and services technologically sound, environmentally friendly and for all, aimed at improving real living conditions.
4) Abolition of all legislation prohibition, violation of human rights and universal. Every person is free to hold, produce and consume substances they want.
5) New and accurate census in order to reconsider the position of recent immigrants who will be given all understanding and solidarity, but only after careful verification which exclude each other criminals camouflaged.
those who exploit the labor of these foreigners, who were used as a cudgel against scab Italian workers will be fined.
6) Resetting of the Status-quo and throughout the government, the abolition of all taxes and levies. Have abolished all those bureaucratic activities that do not produce tangible goods can be used by people, whether physical or virtual.
restoration of law based on universal human right, not on obscure legal loopholes.
will be the revolutionary committees, applying the directives of the Party to celebrate the process. Reform of the law enforcement system, will remain in jail only the enemies of the people, together with thieves, swindlers, assassini, inquinatori e avvelenatori.
7)Riforma radicale del settore sanità, con chiusura immediata dei numerosi ospedali fatiscenti, fonti di ulteriori infezioni e malattie, come ben noto.
Eradicazione delle baronie pseudo scientifiche che per amor di casta e di denaro, impediscono la vera ricerca tesa a curare e migliorare la vita dell'uomo, non prendendo in considerazione ogni valido metodo terapeutico alternativo alla medicina ufficiale.
8)Attivazione immediata degli organi operativi del nuovo Potere affinchè cessino quei fenomeni imposti e del tutto innaturali, quali sono le famigerate scie aeree che deturpano i cieli o le onde elettromagnetiche nocive, unite all'inquinamento acustico e visivo che sempre più invasively targeting the psychological and physical integrity of persons. All of these harmful phenomena, for the benefit of the few against the many health, must cease immediately.
9) shall be abolished all the privileges of caste or class, all are equal, none is more equal and the only law is: Do what you want, but not to the next what you do not want done to yourself.
10) all religious organizations will be allowed only as an entity operating under the pure spirituality divorced from any material and any profit.
These are the key lines that I wanted to see clearly exposed in the "party that does not exist", then yes, I would went willingly, and travel with a merry heart to put my cross ...
But it's only a Dream, and more patient, maybe ....

Eccoci quà, ancora una volta recitando, nostro malgrado, come stressati comparsanti nella fiction del voto-non voto, che va in scena in questi giorni dedicati alle cosidette elezioni Europee, abbinate quì da noi, alle amministrative provincial, with booked to follow the referendum on 21 June, commissioned by the League, as a matter of mere political chicanery.
Elections, which seems already to understand, the winner will see a virtual party strange that there is in the planks, namely that of those who will refrain from unnecessary and blasphemous ritual of the cross on the piece of paper, a parody of democracy.
course, the undersigned will abstain, has his reasons for doing so.
But, why do not you say that it is easy to criticize without proposing anything, the writer says that he would gladly vote for the "Party that is not the first star to the left" .. to redo the verse of that genius dreamer, Jackson ..
The "Manifesto" of this party, I read that right, in the form of a dream in my mind and not in the cards, mind you ... now I try briefly to outside readers interested in its ten-point vision, so that the sum ...
1) Restore national sovereignty to be achieved with the immediate closure of all foreign military bases on Italian soil. Proclamation of "nation free of war and out of all military alliances.
Resize all soldiers, with immediate dissolution of
those sectors that have excelled in suppressing popular, ideological and political. The unarmed military
want it can opt for the field of civil protection, properly reviewed and reformed.
Creation of the Revolutionary Guard, which takes the lead and control of what remains of the other armed forces.
2) Abolition of private property in excess, all persons have the right to private property in accordance with the recognized right of human need, not more.
immediate Confiscation of property in excess, be they individuals or institutions, including banks that authority will be closed and replaced by a single bank of the People, with new rules and new forms of money other than on paper, released today by the mechanisms established and the only counter-value work and human works.
3) Immediate closure of all its sites, toxic, and amoral criminals, in particular the dismantling of industries war, followed by industries that produce goods redundant, obsolete and polluting, read mass transportation industry. Conversion of the means of production, would otherwise end to capitalism in order to produce goods and services technologically sound, environmentally friendly and for all, aimed at improving real living conditions.
4) Abolition of all legislation prohibition, violation of human rights and universal. Every person is free to hold, produce and consume substances they want.
5) New and accurate census in order to reconsider the position of recent immigrants who will be given all understanding and solidarity, but only after careful verification which exclude each other criminals camouflaged.
those who exploit the labor of these foreigners, who were used as a cudgel against scab Italian workers will be fined.
6) Resetting of the Status-quo and throughout the government, the abolition of all taxes and levies. Have abolished all those bureaucratic activities that do not produce tangible goods can be used by people, whether physical or virtual.
restoration of law based on universal human right, not on obscure legal loopholes.
will be the revolutionary committees, applying the directives of the Party to celebrate the process. Reform of the law enforcement system, will remain in jail only the enemies of the people, together with thieves, swindlers, assassini, inquinatori e avvelenatori.
7)Riforma radicale del settore sanità, con chiusura immediata dei numerosi ospedali fatiscenti, fonti di ulteriori infezioni e malattie, come ben noto.
Eradicazione delle baronie pseudo scientifiche che per amor di casta e di denaro, impediscono la vera ricerca tesa a curare e migliorare la vita dell'uomo, non prendendo in considerazione ogni valido metodo terapeutico alternativo alla medicina ufficiale.
8)Attivazione immediata degli organi operativi del nuovo Potere affinchè cessino quei fenomeni imposti e del tutto innaturali, quali sono le famigerate scie aeree che deturpano i cieli o le onde elettromagnetiche nocive, unite all'inquinamento acustico e visivo che sempre più invasively targeting the psychological and physical integrity of persons. All of these harmful phenomena, for the benefit of the few against the many health, must cease immediately.
9) shall be abolished all the privileges of caste or class, all are equal, none is more equal and the only law is: Do what you want, but not to the next what you do not want done to yourself.
10) all religious organizations will be allowed only as an entity operating under the pure spirituality divorced from any material and any profit.
These are the key lines that I wanted to see clearly exposed in the "party that does not exist", then yes, I would went willingly, and travel with a merry heart to put my cross ...
But it's only a Dream, and more patient, maybe ....
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Ultrasonic Speakersystem, Diy
Operation May rose "
This could be the code name of the false-flag next venture, for its enormous consequences, which would pave the way for the final battle, Armageddon the abhorrent, futile by certain forces, such as fatal and inevitable showdown which will follow the golden millennium, where the government of the world will die of angelic ..
E 'of these hours in fact made out a press release on a leading Israeli daily by "deep throats" Zionists who feel, putting his hands on, to hear a insistent chatter from the varied undergrowth of Islamic terrorism, not at all burned by the "lead time" recently paid on Gaza.
powerful sound that the Mossad played as a prelude to military offenses, which allegedly would realize Jihadhisti against the life of the Roman Catholic Pope, Benedict the 16th, starting next May 11, when it begins in the Holy Land, as they call the faithful, visit from time announced. Wanting to make easy
prophecy and letting your imagination run on the wings of weirdness, I give you license, you might say that the event highlights that bad-all more or less consciously we expect, can shake the world, has a good chance of really happen, where it all began, to come full circle in this year 2009, the year of the big ten, eleven ...
referred to as "year of the Pope, among others, already in 1139, by the prophet Malachi papal san, famous for his visionary predictions have proved accurate and almost all about the chain of the 111 popes have occurred so far.
Staying on the theme of prophecy, then there is the disturbing, expressed in 1555 by the seer of Salon, MD Nostradamus and which reads exactly like this:
Roman Pontiff
bay closer to the city's two rivers irrigates:
Your blood you will then from there to spit You and your
when the rose will flourish.
(Centuria II, Quatrain XCVII)
Now, it so happens that Jerusalem is really watered by rivers and Kidron hinnom
and roses bloom in May ...
But, without resorting to the prophets, we also believe in such an eventuality, as would happen in Bean, for who has an interest in the prophecies will take place, perhaps to throw the fight in the world of "incivility war", where the craze mass murder-suicide, known as the "Masada syndrome" which permeates the hearts and minds of the leaders of the state where artificial harbors abuse Zion, you will find easy way out.
In purely allegorical fantasy bestiary as well as irreverent, we might see a German shepherd recklessly you forward with his sheep in wolf's den fierce, exalted, like many of us know, the art of stalking under a false flag fleece .. or if you prefer.

This could be the code name of the false-flag next venture, for its enormous consequences, which would pave the way for the final battle, Armageddon the abhorrent, futile by certain forces, such as fatal and inevitable showdown which will follow the golden millennium, where the government of the world will die of angelic ..
E 'of these hours in fact made out a press release on a leading Israeli daily by "deep throats" Zionists who feel, putting his hands on, to hear a insistent chatter from the varied undergrowth of Islamic terrorism, not at all burned by the "lead time" recently paid on Gaza.
powerful sound that the Mossad played as a prelude to military offenses, which allegedly would realize Jihadhisti against the life of the Roman Catholic Pope, Benedict the 16th, starting next May 11, when it begins in the Holy Land, as they call the faithful, visit from time announced. Wanting to make easy
prophecy and letting your imagination run on the wings of weirdness, I give you license, you might say that the event highlights that bad-all more or less consciously we expect, can shake the world, has a good chance of really happen, where it all began, to come full circle in this year 2009, the year of the big ten, eleven ...
referred to as "year of the Pope, among others, already in 1139, by the prophet Malachi papal san, famous for his visionary predictions have proved accurate and almost all about the chain of the 111 popes have occurred so far.
Staying on the theme of prophecy, then there is the disturbing, expressed in 1555 by the seer of Salon, MD Nostradamus and which reads exactly like this:
Roman Pontiff
bay closer to the city's two rivers irrigates:
Your blood you will then from there to spit You and your
when the rose will flourish.
(Centuria II, Quatrain XCVII)
Now, it so happens that Jerusalem is really watered by rivers and Kidron hinnom
and roses bloom in May ...
But, without resorting to the prophets, we also believe in such an eventuality, as would happen in Bean, for who has an interest in the prophecies will take place, perhaps to throw the fight in the world of "incivility war", where the craze mass murder-suicide, known as the "Masada syndrome" which permeates the hearts and minds of the leaders of the state where artificial harbors abuse Zion, you will find easy way out.
In purely allegorical fantasy bestiary as well as irreverent, we might see a German shepherd recklessly you forward with his sheep in wolf's den fierce, exalted, like many of us know, the art of stalking under a false flag fleece .. or if you prefer.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Spanish First Dance Song
Obama and the Dream sick
E'calato in the White House theater, the curtain on the last performance of the tragi-comic farce in episodes titled "The Well of the Empire of Dreams."
last episode we saw the disgraceful exit from the scene Exarch fallen targeted by desecrating throws a shoe, followed closely, it must be said, by his Vizier first reduced to a wheelchair by a sore back, perhaps Macumba.
image of macabre humor and who knows which is summarized in the photograph finale di questi due negletti Gioppini presi a pedate, canoniche se pur simboliche...
Ma come ogni Teatro che si rispetti, via una commedia sotto l'altra.
Adesso la parte dell'Esarca la fà un giovane smilzo e moro, di oscuro
lignaggio ma di sicuro retaggio, che grazie al suo apparire sfavillante, già si è guadagnato presso il pubblico pagante il titolo di "Profeta" della terra che ha un sogno.
Sogno che intende realizzare non già con lieve soffio di grazia ultra terrena, come in estatica attesa si aspettano gli sciocchi, ma con il vecchio caro rude sistema del ferro e del fuoco.
Che questa sia la solita via che intende seguire ce lo dicono distintamente le sue prime parole clear now that the plot unfolds.
words spoken during a meeting with the Pentagon lasted an hour and a half, where the Prophet commander in chief, while he wiped away the tear with a warm tone of voice frignanti soldiers and under pressure from too much effort, listed the priority to end the war work, a prerequisite because the dream continues and does not turn into a nightmare.
First of all, more or less said the Prophet, still need to raise the level of the military.
even more.
need more resources and I will give them, rummaging in the pockets of Americans and beyond.
We need thirty thousand new fighters and I will li farò avere, con il dislocamento Irakeno o con l'arruolamento, anche coatto se necessario.
Si cambia sguardo, ora tutte le nostre attenzioni, come cannoni, vanno puntate su Afghanistan e Pakistan perchè là è la base cavernosa dell'abominevole Bianconigliosama, che tanto turba i nostri sonni sognanti.
Dobbiamo stanarlo a suon di bombe dal suo buco e sollevarlo morto, in alto per le orecchie, in modo che tutto il mondo veda come finisce chi ci ruba i sogni, pare abbia sentenziato stizzito il Profeta, ma questo non è confermato...
Aspettiamo la prossima puntata.

E'calato in the White House theater, the curtain on the last performance of the tragi-comic farce in episodes titled "The Well of the Empire of Dreams."
last episode we saw the disgraceful exit from the scene Exarch fallen targeted by desecrating throws a shoe, followed closely, it must be said, by his Vizier first reduced to a wheelchair by a sore back, perhaps Macumba.
image of macabre humor and who knows which is summarized in the photograph finale di questi due negletti Gioppini presi a pedate, canoniche se pur simboliche...
Ma come ogni Teatro che si rispetti, via una commedia sotto l'altra.
Adesso la parte dell'Esarca la fà un giovane smilzo e moro, di oscuro
lignaggio ma di sicuro retaggio, che grazie al suo apparire sfavillante, già si è guadagnato presso il pubblico pagante il titolo di "Profeta" della terra che ha un sogno.
Sogno che intende realizzare non già con lieve soffio di grazia ultra terrena, come in estatica attesa si aspettano gli sciocchi, ma con il vecchio caro rude sistema del ferro e del fuoco.
Che questa sia la solita via che intende seguire ce lo dicono distintamente le sue prime parole clear now that the plot unfolds.
words spoken during a meeting with the Pentagon lasted an hour and a half, where the Prophet commander in chief, while he wiped away the tear with a warm tone of voice frignanti soldiers and under pressure from too much effort, listed the priority to end the war work, a prerequisite because the dream continues and does not turn into a nightmare.
First of all, more or less said the Prophet, still need to raise the level of the military.
even more.
need more resources and I will give them, rummaging in the pockets of Americans and beyond.
We need thirty thousand new fighters and I will li farò avere, con il dislocamento Irakeno o con l'arruolamento, anche coatto se necessario.
Si cambia sguardo, ora tutte le nostre attenzioni, come cannoni, vanno puntate su Afghanistan e Pakistan perchè là è la base cavernosa dell'abominevole Bianconigliosama, che tanto turba i nostri sonni sognanti.
Dobbiamo stanarlo a suon di bombe dal suo buco e sollevarlo morto, in alto per le orecchie, in modo che tutto il mondo veda come finisce chi ci ruba i sogni, pare abbia sentenziato stizzito il Profeta, ma questo non è confermato...
Aspettiamo la prossima puntata.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
How Often Do You Go For A Brazilian Wax
Gaza: the eagle that comes from fire
Il Mondo, at least one civilian, helps increase the slaughter and dismay turned to stone in place now for nine days from Sion, in Gaza, Palestine.
vain the first timid voices of religious authorities, as the Pope Catholic, like the UN or international institutional and also Eu, after the adjustment to the gaffe, perhaps intended by the French neo Ceko spokespersons, are calling for an immediate ceasefire to elementary humanitarian purposes, as Take away the dead and wounded and give some relief to the civilian population exhausted, in pain and terrified.
dead letter, the truce is not needed, will not stop us no one gets to know a surreal as masculine with the minister pointed yellow star. For days and nights
Sion gets her on the head della gente di quella striscia martoriata gli orribili globi di fuoco... che poi si levano alti nel cielo, quasi in guisa di venefici, nebulosi, cinerei funghi da offrire alla demoniaca divinità che quel popolo adora, יהוה , ben fragranti di macabre essenze esalate dalle vittime polverizzate e trascinate in "ispirito dolente" come a Lui gradito,sulla sua abominevole mensa.
Ma ora i fumi del bestiale sacrificio si stanno diradando e possiamo vedere i figli di Sion inquadrati nel Tsahal, vestiti di grottesche divise, frugare con le cannonate e le baionette nelle viscere della città ferita a morte alla ricerca, con l'intento di strapparlo, del suo cuore combattente.
Che pulsa collettivamente negli ostinati toraci dei difensori resistance that far dall'arrendersi, can finally throw himself upon the deadly enemy dead weight, and with all the anger built up in recent weeks, months and years spent in the cage Gaza segregated racist tormentor and tormented by the fierce and infanticide.
Now the cowardly butchers who have enjoyed targets at a distance and from above with all types of atomic bomb unless perhaps, they must get off the field and compete in the melee and it is not that they do not come out with broken bones and meat cut from the blade or by the angry rather than by Rpg 29 AK47 Vampir, terror of Merkava, who now have sampled on previous occasions.
Something tells me that Zion, mad dog, drunk with blood, which came in at the end cage-trap of Gaza will not be able to get out between his teeth taking the little golden sand that is opposed by the indomitable beak and claws.
must leave, is the hope, and race, licking his wounds during the escape, as has already happened to him, you remember, less than two years ago in the raid in Lebanon.

Il Mondo, at least one civilian, helps increase the slaughter and dismay turned to stone in place now for nine days from Sion, in Gaza, Palestine.
vain the first timid voices of religious authorities, as the Pope Catholic, like the UN or international institutional and also Eu, after the adjustment to the gaffe, perhaps intended by the French neo Ceko spokespersons, are calling for an immediate ceasefire to elementary humanitarian purposes, as Take away the dead and wounded and give some relief to the civilian population exhausted, in pain and terrified.
dead letter, the truce is not needed, will not stop us no one gets to know a surreal as masculine with the minister pointed yellow star. For days and nights
Sion gets her on the head della gente di quella striscia martoriata gli orribili globi di fuoco... che poi si levano alti nel cielo, quasi in guisa di venefici, nebulosi, cinerei funghi da offrire alla demoniaca divinità che quel popolo adora, יהוה , ben fragranti di macabre essenze esalate dalle vittime polverizzate e trascinate in "ispirito dolente" come a Lui gradito,sulla sua abominevole mensa.
Ma ora i fumi del bestiale sacrificio si stanno diradando e possiamo vedere i figli di Sion inquadrati nel Tsahal, vestiti di grottesche divise, frugare con le cannonate e le baionette nelle viscere della città ferita a morte alla ricerca, con l'intento di strapparlo, del suo cuore combattente.
Che pulsa collettivamente negli ostinati toraci dei difensori resistance that far dall'arrendersi, can finally throw himself upon the deadly enemy dead weight, and with all the anger built up in recent weeks, months and years spent in the cage Gaza segregated racist tormentor and tormented by the fierce and infanticide.
Now the cowardly butchers who have enjoyed targets at a distance and from above with all types of atomic bomb unless perhaps, they must get off the field and compete in the melee and it is not that they do not come out with broken bones and meat cut from the blade or by the angry rather than by Rpg 29 AK47 Vampir, terror of Merkava, who now have sampled on previous occasions.
Something tells me that Zion, mad dog, drunk with blood, which came in at the end cage-trap of Gaza will not be able to get out between his teeth taking the little golden sand that is opposed by the indomitable beak and claws.
must leave, is the hope, and race, licking his wounds during the escape, as has already happened to him, you remember, less than two years ago in the raid in Lebanon.
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