Qualche settimana fa osservavo, dal luogo dove svolgo la mia attività, un insolito andirivieni di Humvee e Dodge cabinati targati AFI, con a bordo giovanotti in mimetica da lavoro, appartenenti alla forza aerea Usa in Italia, che percorrevano, come in piccolo convoglio, la strada in salita che porta ad una delle tante basi minori disseminate quà e là sul nostro territorio, precisamente alla " Air force Base Monte Corna",Grole.
Questa base minuscola è attrezzata con un traliccio di 75 mt che funge, anzi fungeva, da ponte radio per telecomunicazioni for use by military aircraft and this was equipped with large pavilions set at various heights gave her the appearance of a grotesque Tour Eiffel with mumps protruding.
However, the young workers in stars and stripes were there, I soon discovered with the aid of binoculars, for once, incredibly, after 50 years to attack rather than take away, this abomination that stands on the metal more tall and beautiful hill, mumps and remove all the trappings are different attacks ...
»After a week the dismantling work was finished, I saw Dodge pass these places, which obviously took away the good parts, property of Uncle Sam.
Everything else, the junk metal mixed with cables, is now a bad impression of oneself stacked in bulk on the square of the mini-U.S. base.
I remember how, on the first morning I saw the men climbed onto the radar, as he is known erroneously the locals, and you hear them hit with the tools while viewing the ropes that came down to earth, I knew that they were disarming the tower and thought : What is the good time that they go away? Or maybe it will not dismantle them to put some other devilish worst ancora.Mah! would be too good!
Instead, they are gone for good, on the sly, because I knew from the usual well-informed, the contract would have expired fiftieth military obligation and the lender lessee would not have renewed , pare.
Questa base minuscola è attrezzata con un traliccio di 75 mt che funge, anzi fungeva, da ponte radio per telecomunicazioni for use by military aircraft and this was equipped with large pavilions set at various heights gave her the appearance of a grotesque Tour Eiffel with mumps protruding.
However, the young workers in stars and stripes were there, I soon discovered with the aid of binoculars, for once, incredibly, after 50 years to attack rather than take away, this abomination that stands on the metal more tall and beautiful hill, mumps and remove all the trappings are different attacks ...
»After a week the dismantling work was finished, I saw Dodge pass these places, which obviously took away the good parts, property of Uncle Sam.
Everything else, the junk metal mixed with cables, is now a bad impression of oneself stacked in bulk on the square of the mini-U.S. base.
I remember how, on the first morning I saw the men climbed onto the radar, as he is known erroneously the locals, and you hear them hit with the tools while viewing the ropes that came down to earth, I knew that they were disarming the tower and thought : What is the good time that they go away? Or maybe it will not dismantle them to put some other devilish worst ancora.Mah! would be too good!
Instead, they are gone for good, on the sly, because I knew from the usual well-informed, the contract would have expired fiftieth military obligation and the lender lessee would not have renewed , pare.
Oppure più semplicemente, dico io, non sanno più che farsene del costoso e oramai obsoleto traliccio, sostituito dai satelliti e dagli Awacs per cui magari sono stati loro, leggasi AIR Force, a non rinnovare.
Come che sia, sta di fatto che ora la base è fantasma e il tutto sà di fine di una epoca di occupazione, se pure soft, che noi abitanti del paesino Mantovano abbiamo visto e vissuto, devo, ad onor del vero, dire con quasi nessun screzio tra loro, i soldati e noi, la popolazione.
Mi ricordo quando da ragazzino, parecchi anni fà a dire il vero, i "Sùldà americà", come li chiamavamo noi in dialetto, sorridendo ci lanciavano manate di caramelle dai finestrini of them, even then gigantic Dodge ...
's okay if I, a kid and always grateful for anything, obviously, along with other urchins, one of the many episodes in "turbulent" protagonists of my teens, I took the "enemy" the Dodge, the window of my room facing the street , accidentally struck the driver helpless in the face with a volley of bullets plants, ie berries of a certain plant that worked a treat as our bullets for blowguns made from long, thin plastic tubes that sversatoio found in the local hosiery. The unfortunate driver of the Dodge
unfortunately had the window open, which I had not calculated, and impressed by the hard-core right in face, frightened than hurt, however, ended in the ditch, with a great din of drums and ended up leading to roll down the hill.
I remember the soldier gestured down his face livid with my father and my two "trusted" friends said in unison with his finger pointing at me: It 's been him, it was him, we do not got to do .. in short, my father rang me bad and I would say with reason, but that's another story ... Returning to the fact
sbaraccare of "America," someone, always among the well-informed, says that even disassemble the frame and then the area will be sold and manufactured, who knows, while I can not help but link this to the fact well-wishing demobilization with what is happening in much larger scale in Vicenza, where I now read a http://ansa.it/opencms/export/site/notizie/rubriche/daassociare/visualizza_new.html_102087273.html
the good news expansion of the Dal Molin military will not, at least to what is stated officially TAR of Veneto, the reasons for refusal with a "no trace documentary support was found to be" on the act of consent "presented by the government Italian in the United States of America, expressed verbally in the forms and institutional . The Tar
has thus upheld the appeal filed in September 2007, with later additions, Codacons from Veneto and dall'Ecoistituto 'Alex Langer' Mestre. Codacons for President Carlo Rienzi, "is a victory for all citizens," for what dell'Ecoistituto Michele Boat "David stopped Goliath."
Mayor Variati rightly pleased, he noted that "the notice did not comply with the Italian and European regulations, the alternative project sponsored by the Special Commissioner Paolo Costa is not recorded. It is not clear, moreover, notes Variati" about what it would decide the region ... is significant environmental impact on traffic, pollution and groundwater, for which it is concerned about the absence of all the necessary documentation . " Non c'é stata, infine, una consultazione della popolazione" , dice ancora Variati, annunciando inoltre per ottobre un referendum consultivo per i cittadini di Vicenza, ora governata dal centrosinistra che ha scalzato il centrodestra di Enrico Hullweck (FI) -
Ovvio che gli anti Dal Molin giustamente e per ora esultino, con in testa Cinzia Bottene portavoce dei NO Dal Molin che dice: "Finalmente giustizia è stata fatta".
Una sentenza "che difende la legalità più volte calpestata", rincara il Presidio Permanente No Dal Molin.
Di battaglia vinta parlano anche Rete Lilliput, Verdi, Prc, Pdci, Sinistra Democratica e Legambiente.
Per contro, ll lobbista Comitato per il "Sì Molin "announces the launch of a petition and action of" counter ".
These lobbyists were so sure of succeeding, the accomplice was ruled Prodi, who had not gone so much for the subtle with the procedures, so much so that always held the Tar illegitimate the notice saying:
"Since made without public tender required by law."
Rejected and also suspended the agreement " expressed by the Government in the person of Prime Minister Romano Prodi , as given in 'verbally' . One way that the Tar
defines 'extra ordinem' as is unlawful " the authorization issued by a dirigente del Ministero della Difesa senza una assunzione di responsabilità formale e scritta del Governo".
Bene, speriamo in una lieta fine del Dal Molin e tanto meglio se questo dispiacerà a molti illustri italioti,in capo a tutti il nostro benemerito maculato, che ebbe a dire non più tardi di qualche mese fà: "
'La decisione e' stata presa , sulle modalita' di attuazione si discute e si decide insieme con la parte americana' .
E ancora alludendo "simpaticamente" ai No Dal Molin: " Le manifestazioni di piazza "sono legittime , ma è fuorviante farne il sale della democrazia".
Sembra davvero che un vento nuovo inizi timidamente a soffiare, speriamo e trepidiamo that is not once again blocked off the canvas and evil, you need to swear, will tend
once again diligently to serve our leaders colluded and slaves of the Empire, now in agony, but they never leave , also had to drag us all to hell, where it is safe to
direct the boat to which they are emaciated and sanguignolento-related and that we are now groping
increasingly mired in the muddy shoals of "Endless War", which instead will end, and evil You can bet on it.
Come che sia, sta di fatto che ora la base è fantasma e il tutto sà di fine di una epoca di occupazione, se pure soft, che noi abitanti del paesino Mantovano abbiamo visto e vissuto, devo, ad onor del vero, dire con quasi nessun screzio tra loro, i soldati e noi, la popolazione.
Mi ricordo quando da ragazzino, parecchi anni fà a dire il vero, i "Sùldà americà", come li chiamavamo noi in dialetto, sorridendo ci lanciavano manate di caramelle dai finestrini of them, even then gigantic Dodge ...
's okay if I, a kid and always grateful for anything, obviously, along with other urchins, one of the many episodes in "turbulent" protagonists of my teens, I took the "enemy" the Dodge, the window of my room facing the street , accidentally struck the driver helpless in the face with a volley of bullets plants, ie berries of a certain plant that worked a treat as our bullets for blowguns made from long, thin plastic tubes that sversatoio found in the local hosiery. The unfortunate driver of the Dodge
unfortunately had the window open, which I had not calculated, and impressed by the hard-core right in face, frightened than hurt, however, ended in the ditch, with a great din of drums and ended up leading to roll down the hill.
I remember the soldier gestured down his face livid with my father and my two "trusted" friends said in unison with his finger pointing at me: It 's been him, it was him, we do not got to do .. in short, my father rang me bad and I would say with reason, but that's another story ... Returning to the fact
sbaraccare of "America," someone, always among the well-informed, says that even disassemble the frame and then the area will be sold and manufactured, who knows, while I can not help but link this to the fact well-wishing demobilization with what is happening in much larger scale in Vicenza, where I now read a http://ansa.it/opencms/export/site/notizie/rubriche/daassociare/visualizza_new.html_102087273.html
the good news expansion of the Dal Molin military will not, at least to what is stated officially TAR of Veneto, the reasons for refusal with a "no trace documentary support was found to be" on the act of consent "presented by the government Italian in the United States of America, expressed verbally in the forms and institutional . The Tar
has thus upheld the appeal filed in September 2007, with later additions, Codacons from Veneto and dall'Ecoistituto 'Alex Langer' Mestre. Codacons for President Carlo Rienzi, "is a victory for all citizens," for what dell'Ecoistituto Michele Boat "David stopped Goliath."
Mayor Variati rightly pleased, he noted that "the notice did not comply with the Italian and European regulations, the alternative project sponsored by the Special Commissioner Paolo Costa is not recorded. It is not clear, moreover, notes Variati" about what it would decide the region ... is significant environmental impact on traffic, pollution and groundwater, for which it is concerned about the absence of all the necessary documentation . " Non c'é stata, infine, una consultazione della popolazione" , dice ancora Variati, annunciando inoltre per ottobre un referendum consultivo per i cittadini di Vicenza, ora governata dal centrosinistra che ha scalzato il centrodestra di Enrico Hullweck (FI) -
Ovvio che gli anti Dal Molin giustamente e per ora esultino, con in testa Cinzia Bottene portavoce dei NO Dal Molin che dice: "Finalmente giustizia è stata fatta".
Una sentenza "che difende la legalità più volte calpestata", rincara il Presidio Permanente No Dal Molin.
Di battaglia vinta parlano anche Rete Lilliput, Verdi, Prc, Pdci, Sinistra Democratica e Legambiente.
Per contro, ll lobbista Comitato per il "Sì Molin "announces the launch of a petition and action of" counter ".
These lobbyists were so sure of succeeding, the accomplice was ruled Prodi, who had not gone so much for the subtle with the procedures, so much so that always held the Tar illegitimate the notice saying:
"Since made without public tender required by law."
Rejected and also suspended the agreement " expressed by the Government in the person of Prime Minister Romano Prodi , as given in 'verbally' . One way that the Tar
defines 'extra ordinem' as is unlawful " the authorization issued by a dirigente del Ministero della Difesa senza una assunzione di responsabilità formale e scritta del Governo".
Bene, speriamo in una lieta fine del Dal Molin e tanto meglio se questo dispiacerà a molti illustri italioti,in capo a tutti il nostro benemerito maculato, che ebbe a dire non più tardi di qualche mese fà: "
'La decisione e' stata presa , sulle modalita' di attuazione si discute e si decide insieme con la parte americana' .
E ancora alludendo "simpaticamente" ai No Dal Molin: " Le manifestazioni di piazza "sono legittime , ma è fuorviante farne il sale della democrazia".
Sembra davvero che un vento nuovo inizi timidamente a soffiare, speriamo e trepidiamo that is not once again blocked off the canvas and evil, you need to swear, will tend
once again diligently to serve our leaders colluded and slaves of the Empire, now in agony, but they never leave , also had to drag us all to hell, where it is safe to
direct the boat to which they are emaciated and sanguignolento-related and that we are now groping
increasingly mired in the muddy shoals of "Endless War", which instead will end, and evil You can bet on it.
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