The Exarch George II visited his bailiff, Berlusca I ° that rubbing his hands, gloating and drooling for such an honor has opened the doors of our house, even his own, even to them.
the venerable magistrate repeated the mantra thanked Exarchate, reassuring greater involvement of Italian soldiers on all fronts, including those that will be .. this has removed the " CAVEAT " exotic term in fashion lately to disguise what it is best translated into macaroni .. ie remove the "stop" to open acts of war in foreign territory.
Continuing compliant list of things like the powerful GeorgeII °, our King Berlusca I °
reiterated in the conference Joint press, that 'Iran is blacklisted and that " We have always respected the sanctions that were proposed by the United Nations on Iran. The presence of our contracts and business groups about the facts pertaining to the past. "
Maybe that ENI, which traffics oil with Iran, belongs to the past?
Intermezzo light, with classic joke idiot boss, in our case prince, who said:
" would vote McCain , so I would not be the oldest in the G8 , because he's older than I am a months "
Returning seriously, the cabal has taken over the cav.sodale wagging, so uttered, a hand on his heart and fingers horns " I express appreciation for your vision, for your politics, for the courage you have shown over the years. I thank you for the friendship to feed me personally and to the Italian people "
King George must have thought: Oh my Satangod, I will give another Rolex ...
Continuing along the affectation of the services, so the prince has been blowing into the microphone: We have to work for you to create closer links of cooperation, I am referring to the foreign policy initiated by the U.S. and Russia in some areas of the world, even with the ' using increasingly strong NATO for Peace "
Ausilio sempre più forte della Nato per la pace..la pace è guerra ,bravo Silvio, hai imparato , deve aver ancora pensato George...
Quindi la parola è passata all'Esarca in pre-congedo,che subito ha pragmaticamente ringraziato i suoi notabili servitori così dicendo : " Ringrazio il governo italiano per aver annunciato al Parlamento che la restrizione sulle forze in Afghanistan è stata rimossa e saranno inviati altri carabinieri per addestrare i poliziotti "
Carabinieri che addestrano poliziotti? Oh, questa è una chicca!
Dopodichè è passato al suo attuale cruccio preferito, l'Iran che ha di nuovo ammonito con un minaccioso " tutte le opzioni sono sul tavolo " Teheran " deve rinunciare alle ambizioni di sviluppare armi nucleari,ha diritto ad avere energia nucleare per scopi pacifici,ma non penso debba avere il diritto di arricchire l'uranio"
Parola e veto di Esarca dell'Impero d'Occidente!
In precedenza,l'Esarca si era mosso con il suo imponente corteo armato,sotto una pioggia malaugurante verso l'American academy,villa Aurelia,dove fuori dalla porta un simpatico gruppetto di "enemy no war" lo accoglieva con un fragoroso "Bush go home".
Imperterrito, George II° varcava la soglia dell'Accademia where well protected inside, waiting for the scribe approved in the company of many celebrities, members of the Ghoti Casta Italiot.
After having received the necessary gifts he harangued those, perhaps vindictively driven by the chorus of malvenuto just heard, with a paradoxical " on the United States of America there is much misinformation and propaganda , but we are an open country, solidarity, which has at heart the fate of the "Things
know, everybody knows, especially Iraqis and Afghans in Guantanamo know .. well ...
"Exarch he met later in" round table "with eight fellows put there on purpose to give luster cultural the scene. Once the script
academic GeorgeII ° we went to the Quirinale, where he was waiting for the head of the state of things italiote, Giorgio Napolitano, but he, too, that sports a perfect " napolitaner slang briefed him on the happy fact that now, since they vary in Parliament, there will be no more obstacles that prevent full military operations required to follow the "right foreign policy of our main ally"
After lunch based on " cavatelli , perhaps grotesque tribute the grim caveat mentioned above, the president of all Italians and the President of all Americans have toasted with sparkling Ferrari ...
gas loaded two sad figures are directed to visit the halls of the Quirinale, where the zealous with macula is improvised Cicero, allowing them to show off his fluent " mandolin-Inglese " explaining, extolling .. Augusto impressing the guest-master.
the venerable magistrate repeated the mantra thanked Exarchate, reassuring greater involvement of Italian soldiers on all fronts, including those that will be .. this has removed the " CAVEAT " exotic term in fashion lately to disguise what it is best translated into macaroni .. ie remove the "stop" to open acts of war in foreign territory.
Continuing compliant list of things like the powerful GeorgeII °, our King Berlusca I °
reiterated in the conference Joint press, that 'Iran is blacklisted and that " We have always respected the sanctions that were proposed by the United Nations on Iran. The presence of our contracts and business groups about the facts pertaining to the past. "
Maybe that ENI, which traffics oil with Iran, belongs to the past?
Intermezzo light, with classic joke idiot boss, in our case prince, who said:
" would vote McCain , so I would not be the oldest in the G8 , because he's older than I am a months "
Returning seriously, the cabal has taken over the cav.sodale wagging, so uttered, a hand on his heart and fingers horns " I express appreciation for your vision, for your politics, for the courage you have shown over the years. I thank you for the friendship to feed me personally and to the Italian people "
King George must have thought: Oh my Satangod, I will give another Rolex ...
Continuing along the affectation of the services, so the prince has been blowing into the microphone: We have to work for you to create closer links of cooperation, I am referring to the foreign policy initiated by the U.S. and Russia in some areas of the world, even with the ' using increasingly strong NATO for Peace "
Ausilio sempre più forte della Nato per la pace..la pace è guerra ,bravo Silvio, hai imparato , deve aver ancora pensato George...
Quindi la parola è passata all'Esarca in pre-congedo,che subito ha pragmaticamente ringraziato i suoi notabili servitori così dicendo : " Ringrazio il governo italiano per aver annunciato al Parlamento che la restrizione sulle forze in Afghanistan è stata rimossa e saranno inviati altri carabinieri per addestrare i poliziotti "
Carabinieri che addestrano poliziotti? Oh, questa è una chicca!
Dopodichè è passato al suo attuale cruccio preferito, l'Iran che ha di nuovo ammonito con un minaccioso " tutte le opzioni sono sul tavolo " Teheran " deve rinunciare alle ambizioni di sviluppare armi nucleari,ha diritto ad avere energia nucleare per scopi pacifici,ma non penso debba avere il diritto di arricchire l'uranio"
Parola e veto di Esarca dell'Impero d'Occidente!
In precedenza,l'Esarca si era mosso con il suo imponente corteo armato,sotto una pioggia malaugurante verso l'American academy,villa Aurelia,dove fuori dalla porta un simpatico gruppetto di "enemy no war" lo accoglieva con un fragoroso "Bush go home".
Imperterrito, George II° varcava la soglia dell'Accademia where well protected inside, waiting for the scribe approved in the company of many celebrities, members of the Ghoti Casta Italiot.
After having received the necessary gifts he harangued those, perhaps vindictively driven by the chorus of malvenuto just heard, with a paradoxical " on the United States of America there is much misinformation and propaganda , but we are an open country, solidarity, which has at heart the fate of the "Things
know, everybody knows, especially Iraqis and Afghans in Guantanamo know .. well ...
"Exarch he met later in" round table "with eight fellows put there on purpose to give luster cultural the scene. Once the script
academic GeorgeII ° we went to the Quirinale, where he was waiting for the head of the state of things italiote, Giorgio Napolitano, but he, too, that sports a perfect " napolitaner slang briefed him on the happy fact that now, since they vary in Parliament, there will be no more obstacles that prevent full military operations required to follow the "right foreign policy of our main ally"
After lunch based on " cavatelli , perhaps grotesque tribute the grim caveat mentioned above, the president of all Italians and the President of all Americans have toasted with sparkling Ferrari ...
gas loaded two sad figures are directed to visit the halls of the Quirinale, where the zealous with macula is improvised Cicero, allowing them to show off his fluent " mandolin-Inglese " explaining, extolling .. Augusto impressing the guest-master.
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