Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Simmi Garewal In Mera Nam Joker

2009 ... The year of the great eleven

" Nothing in the world is as powerful as a prophecy of what now is the time "

here we are on the threshold of the new year, No. 2009 in Christian matters. As a pure number
cabalistic promises already bad in itself, giving a sum undici sottolineato dal due volte zero.
Chi sa di numerologia esoterica comprende il significato inquietante del n° 11... usato spesso come data firma-azione dagli agenti più o meno consapevolmente ispirati dagli "Arconti".. che ne guidano le mosse dai vertici della piramide occulta che fa capo al Principe di questo mondo.
Gli Arconti
sono entità aliene emanazioni del Demiurgo, teorizzate dagli Gnostici nella teogonia cosmogonica, come intuizione filosofica tesa a spiegare il mondo e i suoi meccanismi, al di là della limitata realtà percepibile dai nostri deboli sensi.
Ma questo è un altro discorso, che si può ben approfondire a parte.
Ho fatto questo accenno agli Arconti,poichè I fear that they not only exist, but they're here and now acting to "blow" more deeply into the unclean spirit of war in the lungs and cervix of the pastors of the human race, so that it is "epoch-making great slaughter" of human human-to-deliver as soon as some sort of alien bountiful harvest, the winged Draco by six hundred sixty-six names, lord of death. How
,-if not with a vision of this kind-we can explain the tuna fishing taking place before our eyes a little distracted in Palestine as in Iraq or in Afghanistan or Pakistan, or Georgia or Iran rather than in Congo and the list never ends .. if we were to plant a plug on the world map to indicate each site we would see conflict the world scale as a hairy porcupine.
In these early days of the year about to begin we will see, probably involved in the spread of new fire started from Sion in the heavens and the Middle East that will soon lap the guise of Mullah causing the prophesied "event raised "that will go down in the big arena, for the baptism of blood, the new American commander in chief, already won and could not be otherwise, to the Zionist cause.
an arena where he will be in thick with the other company "warlords" everyone already involved in rehearsals in preparation for the days to come, when all the fires of war spread to the world will join in the great fire planetarium, a prelude to Armageddon, the final battle, one that will be fought between huge upheavals and great tribulations and ending with the abomination of desolation Parousia, as you know, we all or almost dead, will manifest itself in an ultra earthly dimension no longer dominated by the ancient Archons who are defeated, so says the prophecy, the true God for ever and thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone along with evil and death.

" I saw a great white throne and him that sat thereon.
The earth and sky fled from his face and there was more
loro.E place I saw the dead, great and small
standing before the throne, then the books were opened ... "

Apo 20.8 to 21.16

hope, however, patients

Saturday, December 27, 2008

C0000005 Appcrash Worms

Sion toast Christmas

Sure enough, the cursing Christmas, the bastard son of the human community, the evil Sion, in these hours is starting to sully Palestinian blood on the streets of Gaza on the pretext of cleaning up the launchers Qassam
I read a release regarding the air strike prepared and edited in sync with ruthless style Ossetia have already "fruity" along the "strip" over a hundred dead, more or less side, surrounded by two hundred wounded.
E 'macabre gift with a taste that sets it apart from the perverse "Goym ... Zion makes us find under the olive trees uprooted which contrasts to our Christmas tree.
Once again these people are insane and cursed around with the detonator in his hand ready to fire to the powder, almost certainly will not be called to account for this by chichessia.
Sion a real bully what is evil, accustomed to the impunity that comes from that mix of tears and threats that often comes out of his mouth stinking of oaths, celebrates Christmas in his own way, giving the Torah to its God awful blood fresh human victims, even Goym, civil or military matters little.
Now we'll see what or who will respond to this massacre in cold and murderous science will the nation that through its lackeys in the media passes for enlightened democratic and progressive, unique lighthouse nell'infido Western Arab world.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Nose Looks Really Crooked In The Sunlight

Perhaps all is not lost

The "Best of Youth" Italian, one that will train tomorrow's executives, college students and high school, you are rebelling en masse at this moment in all or almost all Italian cities, with ' support of much of the faculty, but also against the Gelmini reform against this government and especially this "state of things. "
See video (on the site of Beppe Grillo is the direct )
as are so many beautiful, young and makes me determined to widen the heart ... and these days is not just for me .
then see them calm and resolute face beatings decomposed in the usual blue helmet and yelling ... shame shame freedom but also freedom for nothing or little intimidated, I feel good, makes me think that the antagonist is, movement can still be, perhaps not all is lost.
When the student movements are put at the head of the "sound of the people" the powers that trembles, and see he has good reason.
knows that the Cavalbiscione hysterical screams from the rooftops, with the Mariastella that echoed against the disobedient of Universities and threatens to militarize the dispute, which he says is fueled by cunning and consumed claims, which we have always with him, as stated in the usual old record.
The truth, I think, is that these young people, and there are many, we are not to be fooled this and maybe even the future of a cluster of a few characters and winded incravattati that claim, their old and finally deciding on the future of others regardless of the true will, to others that this is the people.
E 'unfortunately the conduct of this abusive and vindictive clique government - which has been shown before with the makeup of armed robbery of "waste Campani" - then with the DalMolin and now with the HST, which seems to be already a done deal, almost.
the good people who protest, as universal and natural law, the government responds by sending the command of their clubs, irony of the family, Dr. Manganelli ... But the beatings high
a method of government can neither deceive nor last long.
And unless you want to use Chilean methods, as advocated by the gloomy and ill-old retired former president and current "village fool"
would do well, he believed the King to take a step back with the its way around court of miracles, as long as things are still yet to words, for fortuna.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Is Fluid Around The Brain Alzheimer

ObamCain: nothing new boss of Empire

Finita vittoriosamente l'estenuante corsa per la "nomination" il 46 enne Barack Hussein Obama,l'amerikano negro quasi bianco,comincia a calare le sue carte sul tavolo del grande gioco della politica mondiale.
Chi si aspetta di vedere carte e combinazioni nuove rimarrà deluso,infatti sono le stesse vecchie logore carte che ha in mano anche il suo finto rivale,John McCain.
Nel suo recente tour blindato partito da Kabul,dove intanto che digeriva il pranzo presidenziale offerto dal fantoccio Karzai i suoi compatrioti "bravi ragazzi" in divisa uccidevano per "errore" nove poliziotti Afghani più quattro civili e tre
bambini per contorno,Obama, recandosi visiting the U.S. base at Bagram, where he stated that it is essential to winning in Afghanistan, commented to reporters: "To see such young people who are doing such an excellent job with such dedication gives a good feeling about the country. I want to make sure that all those understand how much pride home with people who are working here and how many sacrifices they are doing. And 'exceptional'.
Via the turbulent Afghanistan has gone cloudy then nell'altrettanto Iraq where he met the other puppet Nuri al-Maliki assured him of his will, if elected 44th U.S. President, not to withdraw U.S. troops until the complete victory over the "Enemy Combatant" local infiltration Al-Queida.
With a kind of quantum leap is then traversed the continent by tapping the most important capitals, Berlin-Paris-London route, bypassing Rome evidently not considered worthy, declaring in his last stop in London, which has taken him quite coolly, to Unlike Berlin, which had bestowed a huge crowd:
"I am convinced that many of the issues we face at home will not be solved effectively unless we have strong allies abroad" Referring to the exchange of views with Gordon Brown voiced the press:
"This was an important meeting for me, not only to underline how the international situation has an impact on our economy national, but also to give people at home, as well as leaders of other countries, an idea of \u200b\u200bwhere an Obama administration might take with regard to foreign policy. "
A Downing Street with Gordon I talked for two hours of topics ranging from the Middle East to climate change, terrorism, financial markets, he added.
should not underestimate the importance of the intermediate stage, that of Sderot, Israel, where after putting my head straight, contrary to "Kippah "earned by the head of state
Shimon Peres a Zionist," You must be a great president of the United States because the world needs a vision and leadership "The premise of course, is that Obama is elected. But he, one hand on his heart, did not reveal uncertainties. He said to "be here to reaffirm the American-Israeli axis in the hope of becoming an effective partner, whether a senator who, if necessary, president." He smiled with a wink to photographers, cameras and carers of the elderly Labour leader who commented on the charm with a "Eizeh Khatikh!" Which drum!. Of course no one bothered to mention the poor Palestinians living in Gaza fence, but merely a laconic statement
made to President Abu Mazen, more doubtful character, that sounds so banal, "The Palestinians have a right to a state able to live '. live as slaves understood since the Illinois senator has repeatedly stated that "Jerusalem must be undivided capital of the Jewish state." Not all Arabs like so much so that have appeared in Ramallah, in contrast to the shirt worn at Sderot from the neo-Jew sympathizer, the one with the inscription "I love Sderot" T-shirts Arab showing his face superimposed over that of Bush and McCain ... a bit like our Veltrusconi, in fact.
course could not stay out of Iran and the threat it poses to Israel and the rest of the world, which must be "foiled by any means and without delay."
Well, is how, if elected, the first black American president, which will be finished by rubbing with Zion and the apparatus industrial-military who apparently gave the green light, will have to cope with a terrible recession that day after day becomes more and more deadly, coupled with the defeat that will, regardless of his foolish optimism, from the battlefields of his country who are involved he dreamed of but now delirious nightmare sanguignolento Iraqi, Afghan and soon Iran, awakened from time to time by the sounds of fire and storms that battered anticipation of divine punishment that weary country that still believed to be the center of the world.
Obama, if elected President will be revealed if possible even worse than George W. Bush strengthening the tradition that the more democratic presidents
warmongering of the Republicans. Just
, in miniature, as it does to us with the infamous Veltrusconi that copied the motto and for this reason was cited for plagiarism by the staff of Senator almost black but white.
God have mercy on him or whoever America.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Cubase Mac Mit Dongle


Consistency is the virtue of Bossi and his cronies even Berlusca and Fini, like this "blob " shows good ...

In the name of northeastern cherished nation that will never be this person for over twenty years, leads a walk Obtuse the villagers give him a vote ...

Before the people ox fitted with bells proclaiming "thieving Rome", then submission ago and swears allegiance to the same caste Roman ... agrees with the uses being perfectly at ease in the company of servants, dwarfs and dancers in his living room television ...

strap "Padru nòsa home" and suckers believe him, ignoring or forgetting that alleged in the garden of our house, the Americans, the real masters, that we have occupied for sixty years, hold the beauty of 90 atomic bombs ready to 'use.

shouts and raves of thousands of peasants armed combat-ready, but it is difficult to see these "Combatant" between the League dumb, fat and slow as the country people we all know ...

And thank goodness that has always been only a "bluff" the Senadùr League and its hours because otherwise we would end up in the same condition they are in the small states of the former Yugoslavia.

Bossi, who represents the North, is a bright boy of three baked histrionics that some millions of potential nazionalpopolari, was easy game to redeem himself from a meaningless life and the power of simple words has earned its place in the sun on prebend, in spite of bambassoni believe that ...

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Breast Size Statistics By Country

Berlusca Re: I do not care!

As expected, King Berlusca it gets a whisker of the recent decision of the TAR Veneto concerning the extension of the base Dal Molin, Vicenza.

He calls them "controversy" these unequivocal words written by the governing body of regional control, imagine.

ruled, these words written by the Regional Administrative Court, "no trace documentary support was found on the act of consent presented by the Italian government that the United States of America, expressed verbally in the forms and institutional settings."

One way that the Tar defines 'extra ordinem' as is unlawful "the authorization given by a senior Ministry of Defense without a formal written acceptance of responsibility Government ".

be null also agree" expressed by the Government in the person of Prime Minister Romano Prodi, as given in 'verbally' and carried out without public tender required by law "

By Ear merchant from our old "dice" which is believed to King today, July 6, 2008
stated: "With regard to the controversy enlargement of the base 'Molin' a Vicenza I find it useful and appropriate to remind everyone of the duty to comply with international agreements freely entered into by Italy and reaffirmed over the years by governments of different political majority. "" So much more is needed this reminder in the face of attempts to feed false hopes on the possibility to challenge a decision already taken and therefore irreversible. "
Perhaps he was referring to what has been said by his" enlightened "with macula appears that spoke thus: 'The decision' was taken, how 'of implementation are discussed and decided together with the American side'
"The government - is still the former seller of pots speaking, is" decided to implement the commitments made towards the United States . He will of course respect the rules of the internal and observing all the necessary procedures. No one - concluded Cav. Let me be allowed- di mettere in gioco il prestigio e la stessa credibilità dell'Italia sul piano internazionale".
Chissà se nel rispetto delle regole è contemplata anche l'osservanza della sentenza del TAR Veneto, formato ovviamente da magistrati, investiti dell'autorità che lo Stato ha loro concesso.
Ma si sà che il Mi Consenta , solo a sentir parlare di magistrati e leggi viene preso da convulsioni
e grida ai fantasmi comunisti, come quei vecchi che confondono i morti con i vivi...
Ma,credo, ci penseranno i resistenti in carne ed ossa a farlo strillare ancora di più...anche se Lui ha già pronto l'antidoto per cacciare questi scomodi incubi... Glie lo ha fornito ancora una volta il suo buon sodale napoletano quando con grande sforzo intellettuale formulò questo nefasto assunto:" Le manifestazioni di piazza sono legittime , ma è fuorviante farne il sale della democrazia".
Vedremo se, come da me e non solo da me, previsto il gran Baro dopo aver tacitato nel gioco sulle cave il chiassoso Pulcinella con la pantomina del manganello e manette, passerà all'azione truffaldina e intimidatoria anche contro il Pantalone della base Usveneta.
A seguire, se gli andrà bene pure a Vicenza dopo Napoli, vedremo i valligiani no TAV di Gianduia messi pure loro nel sacco dell'uomo nero.
Se nessuno ferma il baro e scopre le sue carte false, cari tutti , siamo fritti e ci tocca di perdere campo e casa,ahimè.

Friday, June 20, 2008

What To Eat Swollen Lymph Nodes

Dal Molin: Good news?

Qualche settimana fa osservavo, dal luogo dove svolgo la mia attività, un insolito andirivieni di Humvee e Dodge cabinati targati AFI, con a bordo giovanotti in mimetica da lavoro, appartenenti alla forza aerea Usa in Italia, che percorrevano, come in piccolo convoglio, la strada in salita che porta ad una delle tante basi minori disseminate quà e là sul nostro territorio, precisamente alla " Air force Base Monte Corna",Grole.
Questa base minuscola è attrezzata con un traliccio di 75 mt che funge, anzi fungeva, da ponte radio per telecomunicazioni for use by military aircraft and this was equipped with large pavilions set at various heights gave her the appearance of a grotesque Tour Eiffel with mumps protruding.
However, the young workers in stars and stripes were there, I soon discovered with the aid of binoculars, for once, incredibly, after 50 years to attack rather than take away, this abomination that stands on the metal more tall and beautiful hill, mumps and remove all the trappings are different attacks ...
»After a week the dismantling work was finished, I saw Dodge pass these places, which obviously took away the good parts, property of Uncle Sam.
Everything else, the junk metal mixed with cables, is now a bad impression of oneself stacked in bulk on the square of the mini-U.S. base.
I remember how, on the first morning I saw the men climbed onto the radar, as he is known erroneously the locals, and you hear them hit with the tools while viewing the ropes that came down to earth, I knew that they were disarming the tower and thought : What is the good time that they go away? Or maybe it will not dismantle them to put some other devilish worst ancora.Mah! would be too good!
Instead, they are gone for good, on the sly, because I knew from the usual well-informed, the contract would have expired fiftieth military obligation and the lender lessee would not have renewed , pare.
Oppure più semplicemente, dico io, non sanno più che farsene del costoso e oramai obsoleto traliccio, sostituito dai satelliti e dagli Awacs per cui magari sono stati loro, leggasi AIR Force, a non rinnovare.
Come che sia, sta di fatto che ora la base è fantasma e il tutto sà di fine di una epoca di occupazione, se pure soft, che noi abitanti del paesino Mantovano abbiamo visto e vissuto, devo, ad onor del vero, dire con quasi nessun screzio tra loro, i soldati e noi, la popolazione.
Mi ricordo quando da ragazzino, parecchi anni fà a dire il vero, i "Sùldà americà", come li chiamavamo noi in dialetto, sorridendo ci lanciavano manate di caramelle dai finestrini of them, even then gigantic Dodge ...
's okay if I, a kid and always grateful for anything, obviously, along with other urchins, one of the many episodes in "turbulent" protagonists of my teens, I took the "enemy" the Dodge, the window of my room facing the street , accidentally struck the driver helpless in the face with a volley of bullets plants, ie berries of a certain plant that worked a treat as our bullets for blowguns made from long, thin plastic tubes that sversatoio found in the local hosiery. The unfortunate driver of the Dodge
unfortunately had the window open, which I had not calculated, and impressed by the hard-core right in face, frightened than hurt, however, ended in the ditch, with a great din of drums and ended up leading to roll down the hill.
I remember the soldier gestured down his face livid with my father and my two "trusted" friends said in unison with his finger pointing at me: It 's been him, it was him, we do not got to do .. in short, my father rang me bad and I would say with reason, but that's another story ... Returning to the fact
sbaraccare of "America," someone, always among the well-informed, says that even disassemble the frame and then the area will be sold and manufactured, who knows, while I can not help but link this to the fact well-wishing demobilization with what is happening in much larger scale in Vicenza, where I now read a http://ansa.it/opencms/export/site/notizie/rubriche/daassociare/visualizza_new.html_102087273.html

the good news expansion of the Dal Molin military will not, at least to what is stated officially TAR of Veneto, the reasons for refusal with a "no trace documentary support was found to be" on the act of consent "presented by the government Italian in the United States of America, expressed verbally in the forms and institutional . The Tar
has thus upheld the appeal filed in September 2007, with later additions, Codacons from Veneto and dall'Ecoistituto 'Alex Langer' Mestre. Codacons for President Carlo Rienzi, "is a victory for all citizens," for what dell'Ecoistituto Michele Boat "David stopped Goliath."
Mayor Variati rightly pleased, he noted that "the notice did not comply with the Italian and European regulations, the alternative project sponsored by the Special Commissioner Paolo Costa is not recorded. It is not clear, moreover, notes Variati" about what it would decide the region ... is significant environmental impact on traffic, pollution and groundwater, for which it is concerned about the absence of all the necessary documentation . " Non c'é stata, infine, una consultazione della popolazione" , dice ancora Variati, annunciando inoltre per ottobre un referendum consultivo per i cittadini di Vicenza, ora governata dal centrosinistra che ha scalzato il centrodestra di Enrico Hullweck (FI) -
Ovvio che gli anti Dal Molin giustamente e per ora esultino, con in testa Cinzia Bottene portavoce dei NO Dal Molin che dice: "Finalmente giustizia è stata fatta".
Una sentenza "che difende la legalità più volte calpestata", rincara il Presidio Permanente No Dal Molin.
Di battaglia vinta parlano anche Rete Lilliput, Verdi, Prc, Pdci, Sinistra Democratica e Legambiente.
Per contro, ll lobbista Comitato per il "Sì Molin "announces the launch of a petition and action of" counter ".
These lobbyists were so sure of succeeding, the accomplice was ruled Prodi, who had not gone so much for the subtle with the procedures, so much so that always held the Tar illegitimate the notice saying:
"Since made without public tender required by law."
Rejected and also suspended the agreement " expressed by the Government in the person of Prime Minister Romano Prodi , as given in 'verbally' . One way that the Tar
defines 'extra ordinem' as is unlawful " the authorization issued by a dirigente del Ministero della Difesa senza una assunzione di responsabilità formale e scritta del Governo".
Bene, speriamo in una lieta fine del Dal Molin e tanto meglio se questo dispiacerà a molti illustri italioti,in capo a tutti il nostro benemerito maculato, che ebbe a dire non più tardi di qualche mese fà: "
'La decisione e' stata presa , sulle modalita' di attuazione si discute e si decide insieme con la parte americana' .
E ancora alludendo "simpaticamente" ai No Dal Molin: " Le manifestazioni di piazza "sono legittime , ma è fuorviante farne il sale della democrazia".
Sembra davvero che un vento nuovo inizi timidamente a soffiare, speriamo e trepidiamo that is not once again blocked off the canvas and evil, you need to swear, will tend
once again diligently to serve our leaders colluded and slaves of the Empire, now in agony, but they never leave , also had to drag us all to hell, where it is safe to
direct the boat to which they are emaciated and sanguignolento-related and that we are now groping
increasingly mired in the muddy shoals of "Endless War", which instead will end, and evil You can bet on it.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Citalopram Sleep 9-10 Hrs

visiting the Exarch Province

The Exarch George II visited his bailiff, Berlusca I ° that rubbing his hands, gloating and drooling for such an honor has opened the doors of our house, even his own, even to them.

the venerable magistrate repeated the mantra thanked Exarchate, reassuring greater involvement of Italian soldiers on all fronts, including those that will be .. this has removed the " CAVEAT " exotic term in fashion lately to disguise what it is best translated into macaroni .. ie remove the "stop" to open acts of war in foreign territory.

Continuing compliant list of things like the powerful GeorgeII °, our King Berlusca I °
reiterated in the conference Joint press, that 'Iran is blacklisted and that " We have always respected the sanctions that were proposed by the United Nations on Iran. The presence of our contracts and business groups about the facts pertaining to the past. "

Maybe that ENI, which traffics oil with Iran, belongs to the past?

Intermezzo light, with classic joke idiot boss, in our case prince, who said:

" would vote McCain , so I would not be the oldest in the G8 , because he's older than I am a months "

Returning seriously, the cabal has taken over the cav.sodale wagging, so uttered, a hand on his heart and fingers horns " I express appreciation for your vision, for your politics, for the courage you have shown over the years. I thank you for the friendship to feed me personally and to the Italian people "

King George must have thought: Oh my Satangod, I will give another Rolex ...

Continuing along the affectation of the services, so the prince has been blowing into the microphone: We have to work for you to create closer links of cooperation, I am referring to the foreign policy initiated by the U.S. and Russia in some areas of the world, even with the ' using increasingly strong NATO for Peace "

Ausilio sempre più forte della Nato per la pace..la pace è guerra ,bravo Silvio, hai imparato , deve aver ancora pensato George...

Quindi la parola è passata all'Esarca in pre-congedo,che subito ha pragmaticamente ringraziato i suoi notabili servitori così dicendo : " Ringrazio il governo italiano per aver annunciato al Parlamento che la restrizione sulle forze in Afghanistan è stata rimossa e saranno inviati altri carabinieri per addestrare i poliziotti "

Carabinieri che addestrano poliziotti? Oh, questa è una chicca!

Dopodichè è passato al suo attuale cruccio preferito, l'Iran che ha di nuovo ammonito con un minaccioso " tutte le opzioni sono sul tavolo " Teheran " deve rinunciare alle ambizioni di sviluppare armi nucleari,ha diritto ad avere energia nucleare per scopi pacifici,ma non penso debba avere il diritto di arricchire l'uranio"

Parola e veto di Esarca dell'Impero d'Occidente!

In precedenza,l'Esarca si era mosso con il suo imponente corteo armato,sotto una pioggia malaugurante verso l'American academy,villa Aurelia,dove fuori dalla porta un simpatico gruppetto di "enemy no war" lo accoglieva con un fragoroso "Bush go home".

Imperterrito, George II° varcava la soglia dell'Accademia where well protected inside, waiting for the scribe approved in the company of many celebrities, members of the Ghoti Casta Italiot.

After having received the necessary gifts he harangued those, perhaps vindictively driven by the chorus of malvenuto just heard, with a paradoxical " on the United States of America there is much misinformation and propaganda , but we are an open country, solidarity, which has at heart the fate of the "Things

know, everybody knows, especially Iraqis and Afghans in Guantanamo know .. well ...

"Exarch he met later in" round table "with eight fellows put there on purpose to give luster cultural the scene. Once the script

academic GeorgeII ° we went to the Quirinale, where he was waiting for the head of the state of things italiote, Giorgio Napolitano, but he, too, that sports a perfect " napolitaner slang briefed him on the happy fact that now, since they vary in Parliament, there will be no more obstacles that prevent full military operations required to follow the "right foreign policy of our main ally"

After lunch based on " cavatelli , perhaps grotesque tribute the grim caveat mentioned above, the president of all Italians and the President of all Americans have toasted with sparkling Ferrari ...
gas loaded two sad figures are directed to visit the halls of the Quirinale, where the zealous with macula is improvised Cicero, allowing them to show off his fluent " mandolin-Inglese " explaining, extolling .. Augusto impressing the guest-master.