The State of the Union speech, rigorously trained by his "staff", the Exarch Obama embarks on a surreal monologue, he describes with a rhetorical words as things Imperial, which is closer to the dream of a sick person who owned the trivial but uncomfortable reality.
says that America must return to "dream", and in doing so "click" the icon of the Irish dead ..
speaks of victory that will, on all fronts of the "global war on terrorism" and the image it evokes is that of the drones, do not trump the cynical cheat.
Strap economy, the descendant of the Mau Mau, but the shadow that appears are the piles of counterfeit dollars printed in go-go and forcibly imposed on the rest of the world ..
The industrial crisis is over, he says, and now we will see action again in the chimneys, but not to turn our swords into plowshares, this ever.
There is time to destroy and the time to build and we have them both!-Thundered looking at the sky ..
E'l'Era the new American Sputnik, he then declared with one hand on the heart-Mau Manchuria, which will be the carrier of our dreams .. A dream
heavier, of course, the Eagle between nations can no longer bring those wings sick sad in its flight to nowhere ..
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