In love with MY home.
I did not think you could have a heart-shaped eyes also towards the home ...
Monday, January 31, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
39 Weeks Pregnantand Feeling Sharp Pains
What wind blows the dunes?
Qual vento soffia tra le dune?
Non certo quello Divino mi vien da pensare, guardando i video che scorrono in rete, mostrando primi piani di occhi marroni allargati dall'adrenalina primordiale che scaturisce dalla paura e dalla violenza.
Vedo folle di persone mosse dalla particolare e nefasta energia che solo il tumulto di massa riesce a caricare sull'individuo, trasformandolo in "energumeno".
In queste ore,per adesso ancora da spettatori, stiamo assistendo ad un crollo epocale e sistemico che può essere paragonato, salvo le ovvie differenze, alla caduta del muro di Berlino nell'oramai lontano 1989 ma che avrà forse conseguenze ancora più dirompenti.
Mi riferisco come tutti avrete capito, that the disturbances are bloodying
North Africa and Near East, where old Satrapi, some fled, others
barricaded in buildings are living in a panic that they know the only real terror and fear, the fear of data to feed the angry mob.
It 's the case of the decrepit "Pharaoh" Mubarak that not having a good leg to escape as did the younger "young lion" Ben Ali, was armored in a bunker surrounded by loyal and involved the military, where he attempts to counter-insurgency downloading the crowds pounds of ammunition loaders and other similar trinkets not too gruesome fatal (only a hundred deaths) that seems to provide real-time through a special airlift fake livery with "humanitarian", the His good friend and companion, as well as experienced dealer of death, the grim and infamous kippa Zion.
disdained as a guinea-collapsed on the sand-by Aquila Predosa big dreamer but that is not intended to avoid further complicating the already bruised his wings with a deft clawed salvivica however improbable, Mubarak the Pharaoh seems willing to do anything, even to the bathroom in the blood of his subjects in order to save the feathers.
Metaphors feathered, it is an irreversible change for this geo-political scenario at the heart always that sees the Gordian knot of Israel wrapped up like ivy smothering trunk vital to the world. From
evolve as these events depend on the immediate future, or if there is an acceleration verso il profetizzato Armagheddon finale, oppure se il Destino imperscrutabile concederà ancora una tregua, seppur temporanea.
La domanda da porsi è la seguente: Questo movimento che scuote il mondo Musulmano con le spire di un virtuale serpente sotterraneo che si contorce frenetico dalle oasi alle piramidi passando per la Mecca- è davvero una rivolta spontanea che si auto alimenta nel popolo, oppure siamo di fronte all'ennesima "rivoluzione colorata" ispirata e guidata, più che dai sani e legittimi sentimenti ribelli, dalle note tecnologie multimediali che sembra abbiano sostituito egregiamente schioppi forconi
& molotov, un tempo indispensabili attrezzi per la buona riuscita di qualsiasi rivoluzione, che era quasi sempre red? ..
I, for myself, behind all this I see the usual black hand of
Globocrati elite, those who draw up the agenda NWO, new world order, where the agenda is the implementation of the magic word " Ordo ab chaos (order out of chaos), which would follow as soon as the haunting "E pluribus unum" (from all the One) .. Soon the fire
Arabic could escalate, thereby seriously jeopardizing the Usraeliana supremacy in the area, if it will, then we will work on semantic trick "Problem-Reaction-Solution", where the solution will probably be the final one ...

Qual vento soffia tra le dune?
Non certo quello Divino mi vien da pensare, guardando i video che scorrono in rete, mostrando primi piani di occhi marroni allargati dall'adrenalina primordiale che scaturisce dalla paura e dalla violenza.
Vedo folle di persone mosse dalla particolare e nefasta energia che solo il tumulto di massa riesce a caricare sull'individuo, trasformandolo in "energumeno".
In queste ore,per adesso ancora da spettatori, stiamo assistendo ad un crollo epocale e sistemico che può essere paragonato, salvo le ovvie differenze, alla caduta del muro di Berlino nell'oramai lontano 1989 ma che avrà forse conseguenze ancora più dirompenti.
Mi riferisco come tutti avrete capito, that the disturbances are bloodying
North Africa and Near East, where old Satrapi, some fled, others
barricaded in buildings are living in a panic that they know the only real terror and fear, the fear of data to feed the angry mob.
It 's the case of the decrepit "Pharaoh" Mubarak that not having a good leg to escape as did the younger "young lion" Ben Ali, was armored in a bunker surrounded by loyal and involved the military, where he attempts to counter-insurgency downloading the crowds pounds of ammunition loaders and other similar trinkets not too gruesome fatal (only a hundred deaths) that seems to provide real-time through a special airlift fake livery with "humanitarian", the His good friend and companion, as well as experienced dealer of death, the grim and infamous kippa Zion.
disdained as a guinea-collapsed on the sand-by Aquila Predosa big dreamer but that is not intended to avoid further complicating the already bruised his wings with a deft clawed salvivica however improbable, Mubarak the Pharaoh seems willing to do anything, even to the bathroom in the blood of his subjects in order to save the feathers.
Metaphors feathered, it is an irreversible change for this geo-political scenario at the heart always that sees the Gordian knot of Israel wrapped up like ivy smothering trunk vital to the world. From
evolve as these events depend on the immediate future, or if there is an acceleration verso il profetizzato Armagheddon finale, oppure se il Destino imperscrutabile concederà ancora una tregua, seppur temporanea.
La domanda da porsi è la seguente: Questo movimento che scuote il mondo Musulmano con le spire di un virtuale serpente sotterraneo che si contorce frenetico dalle oasi alle piramidi passando per la Mecca- è davvero una rivolta spontanea che si auto alimenta nel popolo, oppure siamo di fronte all'ennesima "rivoluzione colorata" ispirata e guidata, più che dai sani e legittimi sentimenti ribelli, dalle note tecnologie multimediali che sembra abbiano sostituito egregiamente schioppi forconi
& molotov, un tempo indispensabili attrezzi per la buona riuscita di qualsiasi rivoluzione, che era quasi sempre red? ..
I, for myself, behind all this I see the usual black hand of
Globocrati elite, those who draw up the agenda NWO, new world order, where the agenda is the implementation of the magic word " Ordo ab chaos (order out of chaos), which would follow as soon as the haunting "E pluribus unum" (from all the One) .. Soon the fire
Arabic could escalate, thereby seriously jeopardizing the Usraeliana supremacy in the area, if it will, then we will work on semantic trick "Problem-Reaction-Solution", where the solution will probably be the final one ...
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Paintings Of Women In Red Dress Dancing
Manchuria dreams ... I'm back
The State of the Union speech, rigorously trained by his "staff", the Exarch Obama embarks on a surreal monologue, he describes with a rhetorical words as things Imperial, which is closer to the dream of a sick person who owned the trivial but uncomfortable reality.
says that America must return to "dream", and in doing so "click" the icon of the Irish dead ..
speaks of victory that will, on all fronts of the "global war on terrorism" and the image it evokes is that of the drones, do not trump the cynical cheat.
Strap economy, the descendant of the Mau Mau, but the shadow that appears are the piles of counterfeit dollars printed in go-go and forcibly imposed on the rest of the world ..
The industrial crisis is over, he says, and now we will see action again in the chimneys, but not to turn our swords into plowshares, this ever.
There is time to destroy and the time to build and we have them both!-Thundered looking at the sky ..
E'l'Era the new American Sputnik, he then declared with one hand on the heart-Mau Manchuria, which will be the carrier of our dreams .. A dream
heavier, of course, the Eagle between nations can no longer bring those wings sick sad in its flight to nowhere ..

The State of the Union speech, rigorously trained by his "staff", the Exarch Obama embarks on a surreal monologue, he describes with a rhetorical words as things Imperial, which is closer to the dream of a sick person who owned the trivial but uncomfortable reality.
says that America must return to "dream", and in doing so "click" the icon of the Irish dead ..
speaks of victory that will, on all fronts of the "global war on terrorism" and the image it evokes is that of the drones, do not trump the cynical cheat.
Strap economy, the descendant of the Mau Mau, but the shadow that appears are the piles of counterfeit dollars printed in go-go and forcibly imposed on the rest of the world ..
The industrial crisis is over, he says, and now we will see action again in the chimneys, but not to turn our swords into plowshares, this ever.
There is time to destroy and the time to build and we have them both!-Thundered looking at the sky ..
E'l'Era the new American Sputnik, he then declared with one hand on the heart-Mau Manchuria, which will be the carrier of our dreams .. A dream
heavier, of course, the Eagle between nations can no longer bring those wings sick sad in its flight to nowhere ..
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Low Hard Cervix Before Positive
Saturday, January 17 to MEME c 'was the reading / projection by the super player Maretti Simone,
that, let's face it, came just fine. E 'was a nice surprise to have two shifts because the people were more than that was booked. Then, at
lavish buffet, with corpses esquís, thanks to the skillful culinary collaboration of my friend Giuliacci (coaming mixer). Many thanks to all those who came, the dear boys MEME
, Simone and friends who are coming back for the second time.
Here are some photos, kindly donated by Manuel Mariani (the third is wonderful).

Saturday, January 17 to MEME c 'was the reading / projection by the super player Maretti Simone,

lavish buffet, with corpses esquís, thanks to the skillful culinary collaboration of my friend Giuliacci (coaming mixer). Many thanks to all those who came, the dear boys MEME
, Simone and friends who are coming back for the second time.
Here are some photos, kindly donated by Manuel Mariani (the third is wonderful).
How To Make A Gal Horny In Chat
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Jt Tec-5recon Paintball Gun Manual
To be or not to be.
If I could, I would do.
I draw like Renée Michel de "The Elegance of the Hedgehog" which, despite the beauty that holds within itself, closes the doors of his heart and his world ... the whole world.
I'd like to, if only for one day, be someone or something they are not. Or
be anyone or anything.
not be just.
but I love to be.
Sometimes I think it's my worst defect.
If I could, I would do.
I draw like Renée Michel de "The Elegance of the Hedgehog" which, despite the beauty that holds within itself, closes the doors of his heart and his world ... the whole world.
I'd like to, if only for one day, be someone or something they are not. Or
be anyone or anything.
not be just.
but I love to be.
Sometimes I think it's my worst defect.
How To Trade Pokemon With Yourself On Vba
I know, I would have had to write this post last week but I did it! However, Friday, Jan. 7 (no comments, please ...) I went with a broom to Rome to decorate the walls of the walls (a great local neighborhood San Lorenzo). Today was my turn, followed by two other illustrators.
So, in short, is was a beautiful evening, beautiful people warm, joyful friends, good music ( Daniele Fiaschi
cheered me work, followed by DJ sets by Massimiliano Lancioni), and the decoration is coming very well. I want more?
In fact, I would go back every weekend in Rome, then ingaggiatemi. I eat a little, not dirty.
Thanks to the dear children of Mura, Silvia, earth, to all those who came to jump, who stopped a little to watch.
photos are courtesy of Massimiliano
Silvia Santiros

I know, I would have had to write this post last week but I did it! However, Friday, Jan. 7 (no comments, please ...) I went with a broom to Rome to decorate the walls of the walls (a great local neighborhood San Lorenzo). Today was my turn, followed by two other illustrators.

cheered me work, followed by DJ sets by Massimiliano Lancioni), and the decoration is coming very well. I want more?
In fact, I would go back every weekend in Rome, then ingaggiatemi. I eat a little, not dirty.
Thanks to the dear children of Mura, Silvia, earth, to all those who came to jump, who stopped a little to watch.
photos are courtesy of Massimiliano
Silvia Santiros
Monday, January 3, 2011
How Can I Tell If My Dog Has Lice
Sunday, January 2, 2011
What If I Just Close My Eyes In A Tanning Bed
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