Obama and the Dream sick
E'calato in the White House theater, the curtain on the last performance of the tragi-comic farce in episodes titled "The Well of the Empire of Dreams."
last episode we saw the disgraceful exit from the scene Exarch fallen targeted by desecrating throws a shoe, followed closely, it must be said, by his Vizier first reduced to a wheelchair by a sore back, perhaps Macumba.
image of macabre humor and who knows which is summarized in the photograph finale di questi due negletti Gioppini presi a pedate, canoniche se pur simboliche...
Ma come ogni Teatro che si rispetti, via una commedia sotto l'altra.
Adesso la parte dell'Esarca la fà un giovane smilzo e moro, di oscuro
lignaggio ma di sicuro retaggio, che grazie al suo apparire sfavillante, già si è guadagnato presso il pubblico pagante il titolo di "Profeta" della terra che ha un sogno.
Sogno che intende realizzare non già con lieve soffio di grazia ultra terrena, come in estatica attesa si aspettano gli sciocchi, ma con il vecchio caro rude sistema del ferro e del fuoco.
Che questa sia la solita via che intende seguire ce lo dicono distintamente le sue prime parole clear now that the plot unfolds.
words spoken during a meeting with the Pentagon lasted an hour and a half, where the Prophet commander in chief, while he wiped away the tear with a warm tone of voice frignanti soldiers and under pressure from too much effort, listed the priority to end the war work, a prerequisite because the dream continues and does not turn into a nightmare.
First of all, more or less said the Prophet, still need to raise the level of the military.
even more.
need more resources and I will give them, rummaging in the pockets of Americans and beyond.
We need thirty thousand new fighters and I will li farò avere, con il dislocamento Irakeno o con l'arruolamento, anche coatto se necessario.
Si cambia sguardo, ora tutte le nostre attenzioni, come cannoni, vanno puntate su Afghanistan e Pakistan perchè là è la base cavernosa dell'abominevole Bianconigliosama, che tanto turba i nostri sonni sognanti.
Dobbiamo stanarlo a suon di bombe dal suo buco e sollevarlo morto, in alto per le orecchie, in modo che tutto il mondo veda come finisce chi ci ruba i sogni, pare abbia sentenziato stizzito il Profeta, ma questo non è confermato...
Aspettiamo la prossima puntata.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Sunday, January 4, 2009
How Often Do You Go For A Brazilian Wax
Gaza: the eagle that comes from fire
Il Mondo, at least one civilian, helps increase the slaughter and dismay turned to stone in place now for nine days from Sion, in Gaza, Palestine.
vain the first timid voices of religious authorities, as the Pope Catholic, like the UN or international institutional and also Eu, after the adjustment to the gaffe, perhaps intended by the French neo Ceko spokespersons, are calling for an immediate ceasefire to elementary humanitarian purposes, as Take away the dead and wounded and give some relief to the civilian population exhausted, in pain and terrified.
dead letter, the truce is not needed, will not stop us no one gets to know a surreal as masculine with the minister pointed yellow star. For days and nights
Sion gets her on the head della gente di quella striscia martoriata gli orribili globi di fuoco... che poi si levano alti nel cielo, quasi in guisa di venefici, nebulosi, cinerei funghi da offrire alla demoniaca divinità che quel popolo adora, יהוה , ben fragranti di macabre essenze esalate dalle vittime polverizzate e trascinate in "ispirito dolente" come a Lui gradito,sulla sua abominevole mensa.
Ma ora i fumi del bestiale sacrificio si stanno diradando e possiamo vedere i figli di Sion inquadrati nel Tsahal, vestiti di grottesche divise, frugare con le cannonate e le baionette nelle viscere della città ferita a morte alla ricerca, con l'intento di strapparlo, del suo cuore combattente.
Che pulsa collettivamente negli ostinati toraci dei difensori resistance that far dall'arrendersi, can finally throw himself upon the deadly enemy dead weight, and with all the anger built up in recent weeks, months and years spent in the cage Gaza segregated racist tormentor and tormented by the fierce and infanticide.
Now the cowardly butchers who have enjoyed targets at a distance and from above with all types of atomic bomb unless perhaps, they must get off the field and compete in the melee and it is not that they do not come out with broken bones and meat cut from the blade or by the angry rather than by Rpg 29 AK47 Vampir, terror of Merkava, who now have sampled on previous occasions.
Something tells me that Zion, mad dog, drunk with blood, which came in at the end cage-trap of Gaza will not be able to get out between his teeth taking the little golden sand that is opposed by the indomitable beak and claws.
must leave, is the hope, and race, licking his wounds during the escape, as has already happened to him, you remember, less than two years ago in the raid in Lebanon.
Il Mondo, at least one civilian, helps increase the slaughter and dismay turned to stone in place now for nine days from Sion, in Gaza, Palestine.
vain the first timid voices of religious authorities, as the Pope Catholic, like the UN or international institutional and also Eu, after the adjustment to the gaffe, perhaps intended by the French neo Ceko spokespersons, are calling for an immediate ceasefire to elementary humanitarian purposes, as Take away the dead and wounded and give some relief to the civilian population exhausted, in pain and terrified.
dead letter, the truce is not needed, will not stop us no one gets to know a surreal as masculine with the minister pointed yellow star. For days and nights
Sion gets her on the head della gente di quella striscia martoriata gli orribili globi di fuoco... che poi si levano alti nel cielo, quasi in guisa di venefici, nebulosi, cinerei funghi da offrire alla demoniaca divinità che quel popolo adora, יהוה , ben fragranti di macabre essenze esalate dalle vittime polverizzate e trascinate in "ispirito dolente" come a Lui gradito,sulla sua abominevole mensa.
Ma ora i fumi del bestiale sacrificio si stanno diradando e possiamo vedere i figli di Sion inquadrati nel Tsahal, vestiti di grottesche divise, frugare con le cannonate e le baionette nelle viscere della città ferita a morte alla ricerca, con l'intento di strapparlo, del suo cuore combattente.
Che pulsa collettivamente negli ostinati toraci dei difensori resistance that far dall'arrendersi, can finally throw himself upon the deadly enemy dead weight, and with all the anger built up in recent weeks, months and years spent in the cage Gaza segregated racist tormentor and tormented by the fierce and infanticide.
Now the cowardly butchers who have enjoyed targets at a distance and from above with all types of atomic bomb unless perhaps, they must get off the field and compete in the melee and it is not that they do not come out with broken bones and meat cut from the blade or by the angry rather than by Rpg 29 AK47 Vampir, terror of Merkava, who now have sampled on previous occasions.
Something tells me that Zion, mad dog, drunk with blood, which came in at the end cage-trap of Gaza will not be able to get out between his teeth taking the little golden sand that is opposed by the indomitable beak and claws.
must leave, is the hope, and race, licking his wounds during the escape, as has already happened to him, you remember, less than two years ago in the raid in Lebanon.
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