Sunday, October 31, 2010

My Dell D610 It Has Internal Hd Error


Yesterday afternoon, so Halloween, there were readings of ' author of the hall of the prison castle of the Pio di Carpi, narrated by the talented Simone
Maretti .
As promised, I followed with admiration and readings for children prior to the housekeeper, and I camouflaged properly due to my height nanica..Mi hanno fatto scompisciare le domande dei bambini, che alla lettura di "I Topi" di Dino Buzzati hanno fatto le domande più assurde, dal perchè i topi si riproducano così velocemente e quanti esattamente ne possano fare, al perchè la sig.ra non abbia versato il contenuto del pentolone sui topi, uccidendone buona parte. Ho scelto anche la mia bambina preferita, che ha vinto il mio premio (completamente mentale) simpatia, riciclando evidentemente un vestito da coccinella,diventato per l'occasione un diavolo. Sì, ma ad evidenti pois. E sulle guance aveva disegnato dei cuori giganti, così per sdrammatizzare la festa. Perchè è vero che è Halloween , ma ognuno fa un po quelcavolochejepare.
La lettura della Governante è venuta egregiamente, il buio delle sei ha contribuito all'atmosfera particolare della sala carceri,e le prioiezioni sul muro completamente ricoperto di graffiti dei carcerati, si caricavano di una texture azzeccatissima.
Cosa vi devo dire?? Certo che sono di parte, ma a me è piaciuto moltissimo, e cosa dire di Simone Maretti?E' stato eccelso, e si è imparato a memoria tutto il testo, perchè non voleva leggerlo,bensì recitarlo. Si è preso a cuore la lettura, è una persona squisita.

Ringrazio col cuore tutti quelli che sono venuti, ho apprezzato tantissimo le facce conosciute, e altrettanto quelle sconosciute.

Le foto sono poche, ma ho avuto qualche problema without flash .. Well, restove see it next time!

ps makes me die a picture of Simon with four hands ..

Friday, October 29, 2010

Monster Energy M Sign 666

You can be happy and disappointed at the same time and for the same reason?
The answer is yes. The answer is yes

Friday, October 22, 2010

How To Watch M Jak Milosc On Line For Free


The world is really much more exciting when you have a heart that beats within us.
Think about what could be more compelling if six million hearts beat as one ...

Monday, October 18, 2010

Stoves For Mobilehomes


Dear friends, friends all,
Saturday, October 30

the housekeeper
with super player SIMONE MARETTE
!!!!! E 'reading for adults, not in the sense that women are daring, but it will be a lot of atmosphere, Prisons in the dark room in the Palazzo Pio ... beautiful!
Places are limited to 25 little people, so if you are interested to see the work of the genius of Simon Maretti, clumsiness or behind the scenes of Sara Gavioli that winds up cables between the projector, a stereo, a flashlight and a small table Children / Dwarfs (of course, is for me ..) including a lectern, you can not miss. Please contact

Falco Magic
, or call us at 059649961. It sounds like a tele-shopping.
Registration opens next Monday, or October 25.
Pretend you had a fight just to have had your place, and tell me what you had to fight for it, so that I have and I am gullible pleasure. you look! Dai though, eh.

PS Maretti Simone will also take two laboratories at 16 and 17 always room in the prisons, so if you bring her children to hear his stories, it's really worth.
I will disguise myself by nana / minion

/ seienne child to follow him blending into the crowd. And I swear, I will have to engage much.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

My Panasonic Tv Wont Play Ps3


This is a period of menga. A dark period, it is true that bad luck is in hand, and you'd be. My take me for a ride.
But the positive note the day has given me my friend Francesca (the Association know
Carpi? know him!), who informed me that on '
came out a review of the Ruler . And I say, the INTERNATIONAL micca peanuts! the face of bad luck. Tie. Some will say, enough is emmmmo Housekeeper, but can I say?? I always get excited to see you around ...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

First Baby Congratulations Letter

beaded bead with secret

It is a pendant that'll give to my mother today! The scheme is Renata Garlato and is called "Pinuccia bead". It opens and inside is packed with all messages of love that our heart that we :-)

Best Mouthwash For Enamel

Love Song

You ... 're my love song more beautiful.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dimention Of Shot Put Circle


I sit against the wall of my room, with his legs crossed and his head wearily against the wall and his eyes distracted looking out the window.
not see anything. Only evil.
The evil of an incurable disease, the evil of despair, resignation, loneliness.
not think of anything. Only to evil.
the evil of a drunk I love you, of promises not delivered, a fatal accident.
not hear anything. Only evil.
The evil of a Child Never Born, insane murders, physical violence and mental health.
not believe in anything. Only to evil.
to evil because of the loss, absence, indifference from the vacuum of a kiss mature. Mali
that hurt.
Mali who do not give peace.
Mali to feel bad.
But I'm not afraid of them, not fear them.
Cause I know you'll kill me.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Papillomas Inner Thigh

Are my dreams reality? Happy Family Balance

are our unmentionable desires, ... our fears or remote?
I need a library.
And Freud.
and interpretation of dreams.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Cinamin And Heartburn


Thanks to Sabine Lippert (Trytobe) who gave us this pattern!