Betsy Bird! was a few weeks that I wanted to write it, then, as a great lazy, I never updated blog ... you ready for the big news?! , the blog of the box you
Cristiana (ok for a while will not write more than the word blog ...), which, needless to say, I was super flattered. Betsy has really enjoyed the interviews and the latest news in the field of children's literature, which are the basis of his post. Not to mention the "comfort" to find a blog translated into two languages \u200b\u200b(English and French). So
Greatest Christian! In all this, for illustrate the alert, Betsy posted a picture of Ruler. I do not know if the choice is a case or a fortune, I still enjoy the same good time!
If you want to see the post here it is.
soon, with a new cover illustration! But you will be updated only next Sunday ..