This could be the code name of the false-flag next venture, for its enormous consequences, which would pave the way for the final battle, Armageddon the abhorrent, futile by certain forces, such as fatal and inevitable showdown which will follow the golden millennium, where the government of the world will die of angelic ..
E 'of these hours in fact made out a press release on a leading Israeli daily by "deep throats" Zionists who feel, putting his hands on, to hear a insistent chatter from the varied undergrowth of Islamic terrorism, not at all burned by the "lead time" recently paid on Gaza.
powerful sound that the Mossad played as a prelude to military offenses, which allegedly would realize Jihadhisti against the life of the Roman Catholic Pope, Benedict the 16th, starting next May 11, when it begins in the Holy Land, as they call the faithful, visit from time announced. Wanting to make easy
prophecy and letting your imagination run on the wings of weirdness, I give you license, you might say that the event highlights that bad-all more or less consciously we expect, can shake the world, has a good chance of really happen, where it all began, to come full circle in this year 2009, the year of the big ten, eleven ...
referred to as "year of the Pope, among others, already in 1139, by the prophet Malachi papal san, famous for his visionary predictions have proved accurate and almost all about the chain of the 111 popes have occurred so far.
Staying on the theme of prophecy, then there is the disturbing, expressed in 1555 by the seer of Salon, MD Nostradamus and which reads exactly like this:
Roman Pontiff
bay closer to the city's two rivers irrigates:
Your blood you will then from there to spit You and your
when the rose will flourish.
(Centuria II, Quatrain XCVII)
Now, it so happens that Jerusalem is really watered by rivers and Kidron hinnom
and roses bloom in May ...
But, without resorting to the prophets, we also believe in such an eventuality, as would happen in Bean, for who has an interest in the prophecies will take place, perhaps to throw the fight in the world of "incivility war", where the craze mass murder-suicide, known as the "Masada syndrome" which permeates the hearts and minds of the leaders of the state where artificial harbors abuse Zion, you will find easy way out.
In purely allegorical fantasy bestiary as well as irreverent, we might see a German shepherd recklessly you forward with his sheep in wolf's den fierce, exalted, like many of us know, the art of stalking under a false flag fleece .. or if you prefer.