The "Best of Youth" Italian, one that will train tomorrow's executives, college students and high school, you are rebelling en masse at this moment in all or almost all Italian cities, with ' support of much of the faculty, but also against the Gelmini reform against this government and especially this "state of things. "
See video (on the site of Beppe Grillo is the direct )
as are so many beautiful, young and makes me determined to widen the heart ... and these days is not just for me .
then see them calm and resolute face beatings decomposed in the usual blue helmet and yelling ... shame shame freedom but also freedom for nothing or little intimidated, I feel good, makes me think that the antagonist is, movement can still be, perhaps not all is lost.
When the student movements are put at the head of the "sound of the people" the powers that trembles, and see he has good reason.
knows that the Cavalbiscione hysterical screams from the rooftops, with the Mariastella that echoed against the disobedient of Universities and threatens to militarize the dispute, which he says is fueled by cunning and consumed claims, which we have always with him, as stated in the usual old record.
The truth, I think, is that these young people, and there are many, we are not to be fooled this and maybe even the future of a cluster of a few characters and winded incravattati that claim, their old and finally deciding on the future of others regardless of the true will, to others that this is the people.
E 'unfortunately the conduct of this abusive and vindictive clique government - which has been shown before with the makeup of armed robbery of "waste Campani" - then with the DalMolin and now with the HST, which seems to be already a done deal, almost.
the good people who protest, as universal and natural law, the government responds by sending the command of their clubs, irony of the family, Dr. Manganelli ... But the beatings high
a method of government can neither deceive nor last long.
And unless you want to use Chilean methods, as advocated by the gloomy and ill-old retired former president and current "village fool"
would do well, he believed the King to take a step back with the its way around court of miracles, as long as things are still yet to words, for fortuna.