Finita vittoriosamente l'estenuante corsa per la "nomination" il 46 enne Barack Hussein Obama,l'amerikano negro quasi bianco,comincia a calare le sue carte sul tavolo del grande gioco della politica mondiale.
Chi si aspetta di vedere carte e combinazioni nuove rimarrà deluso,infatti sono le stesse vecchie logore carte che ha in mano anche il suo finto rivale,John McCain.
Nel suo recente tour blindato partito da Kabul,dove intanto che digeriva il pranzo presidenziale offerto dal fantoccio Karzai i suoi compatrioti "bravi ragazzi" in divisa uccidevano per "errore" nove poliziotti Afghani più quattro civili e tre
bambini per contorno,Obama, recandosi visiting the U.S. base at Bagram, where he stated that it is essential to winning in Afghanistan, commented to reporters: "To see such young people who are doing such an excellent job with such dedication gives a good feeling about the country. I want to make sure that all those understand how much pride home with people who are working here and how many sacrifices they are doing. And 'exceptional'.
Via the turbulent Afghanistan has gone cloudy then nell'altrettanto Iraq where he met the other puppet Nuri al-Maliki assured him of his will, if elected 44th U.S. President, not to withdraw U.S. troops until the complete victory over the "Enemy Combatant" local infiltration Al-Queida.
With a kind of quantum leap is then traversed the continent by tapping the most important capitals, Berlin-Paris-London route, bypassing Rome evidently not considered worthy, declaring in his last stop in London, which has taken him quite coolly, to Unlike Berlin, which had bestowed a huge crowd:
"I am convinced that many of the issues we face at home will not be solved effectively unless we have strong allies abroad" Referring to the exchange of views with Gordon Brown voiced the press:
"This was an important meeting for me, not only to underline how the international situation has an impact on our economy national, but also to give people at home, as well as leaders of other countries, an idea of \u200b\u200bwhere an Obama administration might take with regard to foreign policy. "
A Downing Street with Gordon I talked for two hours of topics ranging from the Middle East to climate change, terrorism, financial markets, he added.
should not underestimate the importance of the intermediate stage, that of Sderot, Israel, where after putting my head straight, contrary to "Kippah "earned by the head of state
Shimon Peres a Zionist," You must be a great president of the United States because the world needs a vision and leadership "The premise of course, is that Obama is elected. But he, one hand on his heart, did not reveal uncertainties. He said to "be here to reaffirm the American-Israeli axis in the hope of becoming an effective partner, whether a senator who, if necessary, president." He smiled with a wink to photographers, cameras and carers of the elderly Labour leader who commented on the charm with a "Eizeh Khatikh!" Which drum!. Of course no one bothered to mention the poor Palestinians living in Gaza fence, but merely a laconic statement
made to President Abu Mazen, more doubtful character, that sounds so banal, "The Palestinians have a right to a state able to live '. live as slaves understood since the Illinois senator has repeatedly stated that "Jerusalem must be undivided capital of the Jewish state." Not all Arabs like so much so that have appeared in Ramallah, in contrast to the shirt worn at Sderot from the neo-Jew sympathizer, the one with the inscription "I love Sderot" T-shirts Arab showing his face superimposed over that of Bush and McCain ... a bit like our Veltrusconi, in fact.
course could not stay out of Iran and the threat it poses to Israel and the rest of the world, which must be "foiled by any means and without delay."
Well, is how, if elected, the first black American president, which will be finished by rubbing with Zion and the apparatus industrial-military who apparently gave the green light, will have to cope with a terrible recession that day after day becomes more and more deadly, coupled with the defeat that will, regardless of his foolish optimism, from the battlefields of his country who are involved he dreamed of but now delirious nightmare sanguignolento Iraqi, Afghan and soon Iran, awakened from time to time by the sounds of fire and storms that battered anticipation of divine punishment that weary country that still believed to be the center of the world.
Obama, if elected President will be revealed if possible even worse than George W. Bush strengthening the tradition that the more democratic presidents
warmongering of the Republicans. Just
, in miniature, as it does to us with the infamous Veltrusconi that copied the motto and for this reason was cited for plagiarism by the staff of Senator almost black but white.
God have mercy on him or whoever America.